Chapter 16 || No homo

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-Ari's point of view-

When we get to the party I can already feel my nerves returning. What if he figures out where I'm at? He knows Morgan what if he hurts her? Okay just relax. I need a breather.

"I'm going to go outside." I say to Morgan. She's the one who drove me here.

I walk through Dylan's house to the backyard. I get a lot of 'Happy Birthdays' on the way outside.

When I get outside I sit on the swing. I look up at the night sky and get lost in the stars. I would have been out here all night if I didn't feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be greated by familiar hazel eyes.

"Come with me." Noah says.

He takes my hands and leads me inside. We end up in a room full of all my friends. It feels like that night when we played truth or dare. It's actually almost exactly like that night because there all sitting down in a circle on the floor.

Noah sits down and I sit down next to him so that I'm between him and Josh.

"Soo what are we doing?" I ask.

"We're gonna play a game." Zach says.

"And the game is..."

"We have to pass around a card using our mouth, whoever drops the card has to do a dare. No truths, just dares." Chris explains.

I nod. Sounds fun I guess. Justin starts, passing the card to Alex, she passes the card to Zach, he passed the card to Noah. Noah try's to pass the card to me but he seems distracted. He keeps staring at my lips with lust in his eyes.

He ends up dropping the card. I frown at him.

"Okay Ari you have to dare me something." He says.

I think about it for a little bit until an idea pops in my head.

"Kiss Zach." I say with a smirk.

Zach starts having a coughing fit while everyone else starts laughing. Noah stares at me with a pleading look.

"You want me to smile don't you?" I say with a frown trying to hold in my laughter.

He gulps and turns toward Zach. They both look at each other awkwardly with fear in there eyes.

"Get on with it." Josh says.

"No homo." Noah says before making the first move. He leans in and closes the space between him and Zach. Both of there eyes are squeezed shut.

I'm dying of laughter just like everyone else. I sound like a wheezing donkey but I can't stop laughing.

Noah looks up at me after he pulls away from Zach and smiles. A really big smile. I can't help but smile back at him after I calm my laughter.

"Finally." I hear him whisper to himself.


After we got tired of the game we all went down stares. I was just talking to Dylan until Noah walks up to me with a small black box in his hand.

"Happy birthday." He says handing me the box.

I look at him and down at the box and then at him again. "You didn't have to get me something." I say with a grin.

"Shut up and open it." He says rolling his eyes with a small smile on his face.

I open the box and my heart skips a beat. It such a beautiful and thoughtful gift. He got me a necklace with little golden pointe shoes hanging down on it.

I attack him in a full on bear hug. "I love it so much thank you!" I scream in his ear.

"Anything to make you happy princess." He says hugging me back.

He pulls my hair to the side and puts the necklace over my neck. I smile down at it, admiring it. Dance is my life, my escape, and this necklace shows it.

"Wanna dance?" Noah asks.

"Sure." I say with a smile. I tuck the necklace into my dress and follow Noah to the dance floor.

Our dancing together just consisted of us grinding up against each other. He's such a good dancer. We continue dancing till I feel the urge to pee. Like really bad.

"I'll be back, I'm going to use the bathroom." I tell Noah.

He frowns and then nods. I walk up the stairs to the bathroom. I thought I heard someone following me so I turned around. No one was there. I swear I'm about to be the white chick in the scary movies who dies first.

I run into the bathroom not wanting to get possessed. I do my business and wash my hands. I fix my hair and makeup a little bit and walk out the bathroom.

As soon as I walk out I'm pushed against the wall with a hand over my mouth. I look to see the one and only. I'm going to die.

"I told you I was coming for you when I got out." My uncle says with a smirk.

I try to scream but it's muffled by his hand over my mouth. He shakes his head at me.

"I told you not to tell anyone or I was going to kill you, and what do you do? You go and tell your mom." He says. "You got lucky you didn't die that day. But your out of luck."

He raises a knife I didn't see he had. He stabs me in my side just like he did when I was younger. I scream as I fall to the floor, no longer muffled my his hand.

My vision goes blurry. I see my uncle on the floor. Just like last time. I fall into a hole of darkness.


-Noah's point of view-

I feel like she's been in the bathroom to long. Shouldn't she be coming back by now. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Then I hear it. I hear her scream. No no no no no.

I run up the stairs to see her on the floor and a man standing over her. I immediately punch the man right in the jaw. He falls to the floor but I don't stop. I keep on throwing punches towards him. I hear two people come up the stairs.

"Oh my god no. Ari!" I hear Josh's voice.

"I'll call an ambulance!" I hear Jases voice.

I'm still throwing punches at this monster. All I can think is 'he hurt her. he hurt her. he hurt her'. I don't stop punching him until Jase pries me off of him. Even then I start kicking the bastard in the ribs. After I finish beating the shit out of him until he's unconscious I rush over to Ari.

She's so pale. She can't die, she won't die. I can feel tears fall down my cheeks but I ignore them. I pick her up gently and carry her down stares.

I hear 'oh my gods' and 'what happened!' as I walk to the door. Morgan is immediately by her side. She breaks down crying to the floor. I see Josh comforting Morgan but I continue walking toward the door.

I see the ambulance pull up. I rush over and hand her to the paramedics.

"What happened to her?" I hear the paramedic ask.

"She got stabbed." I say with tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"The police are on there way, are you going to ride with her to the hospital?" The paramedic asks.

I nod and sit down next to Ari. I grab her hand tightly as my tears fall onto our joined hands.

"Don't leave me."


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