Chapter 21 || Waffles

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"S-she what?!" Noah says holding his stomach from laughter.

It was currently Friday and he snuck into my house. Just because his mom has a key to my house does not give him the authority to waltz right in whenever he feels like it.

I was pretty pissed at first but I'm not so mad about it now. I've been telling him storys about me and my friends.

"She literally pooped on a waffle." I say chuckling.

"Okay okay start over, leave no details." He says once he controls his laughter.

"Okay so it was during a sleepover and I made waffles the next morning for us. We ate most of the waffles but we had a couple left. I walk out of my room to go tell Morgan something and next thing you know there's a waffle flying at me. Obviously it hits me right in the face." I smile at the stupid memory and continue

"She didn't stop at one waffle though she kept on throwing them at me. Little to our concern I was standing right In front of the bathroom with the door wide open and the next waffle she threw landed right in the toilet. Morgan started laughing so hard she had to poop, usually people have to pee when the laugh to hard but for Morgan it was the other way around.

"So I was like 'Morgan get the waffle out of the toilet' but she couldn't stop laughing and then she was all like 'I got to poo' so she goes rushing into the bathroom and started pulling down her pants. I tried to stop her saying 'Morgan don't you fucking poop on the waffle' but she did. She fucking pooped on the waffle. Right on top of it." By then I was laughing holding my stomach too.

"So obliviously afterwards we were scared it wouldn't flush. But surprisingly it went right down." I chuckle.

Noah wipes a tear that appeared from laughing so hard and said "you guys are disgusting."

"I'm well aware." I say with a smile.

"Okay my turn for a story." He says clearing his throat.

"So when me and Josh were little-" I cut him off right there.

"You knew Josh when you wee little?" I asked confused.

"Yeah my aunt lives here and we would visit every summer and I met Josh and we became besties." He explains.

"Oh. Continue then." I say wanting him to tell his story.

"As I was saying, when me and Josh were little we would play with sand rocks, you know those clumps of sands that are hard like a rock but were actually sand so they would break when they hit you, okay yeah anyway me and Josh would have battles and throw sand rocks at each other.

"It was a normal war, we both had forts and would attack each other with sand rocks and get covered in dirt. Josh liked to aim for my head a lot but it didn't hurt that had so I aimed for his head too." He paused.

"You know that saying 'it's all fun and games till someone gets hit in the head with a rock'?"

"I don't think that's exactly right but I'll just go with it." I respond.

"Well anyways, Josh found a rock that looked and felt a lot like a sand rock so he threw it right at my forehead. It was indeed not a sand rock. It was a fucking hard ass rock. I was crying like a baby, but consider the fact I was only 7 at the time.

"Of course Josh was crying too because he didn't want to get in trouble so we were both crying while I had a huge bump on my head.

This is the part where I started laughing my head off. Noah just kind of scowled at me until I finished.

"Continue." I said once I stopped laughing.

"Well my mom finally came outside to check on us. I had a huge bump on my head the rest of the day while Josh went home. Now my mom and Josh make fun of me for having a big forehead" he finishes.

"I don't think your foreheads big Noah." I say.

"But you know what I do think is big about you?" I ask in a low whisper.

I can physically see him gulp as I lean closer.

"W-what?" He asks.

I blow on his ear, causing him to shiver, and whisper, "your ego."

He turns a bright red and I can't hold in my laugh.

"Tease." He mutters.

"What did you expect?" I ask still laughing.

"Obviously nothing from you!" He yells walking out of my house while slamming the door.

What the? Boys are so complicated. Maybe he's on his period...


-Noah's point of view-

I storm out of her house before she can respond. She's so frustrating! Maybe I'm just confusing. I don't care I just can't stand to be near her right now.

I quietly open the front door and rush up the stairs to my room. I plop on the bed with only one thought in my mind.

I like Ari.

I can't like her though. I'm not capable of having a real relationship, and that's what she deserves. She deserves someone who she can trust, someone who won't hurt her.

I don't know how to have a relationship, I've never been in one and I'd end up hurting her and that's the last thing I want to do. She deserves better and as much as I want to be selfish and take her for myself I don't want to risk the chance of hurting her.

I'll just have to avoid her. That's sound like a good idea, right?


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