Chapter 13 || Moody

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The rest of the week consisted of Morgan and I being complete moody bitches. The boys were scared to talk to us at all after Chris accidentally offended me.

"I'm sorry but I know I'm right I'm a guy." Chris says defending himself.

We were talking about how guys never show any emotion.

"But I'm a girl so my answer isn't biased." I say.

Then Chris said those mother fucking words. I went full bitch mode.

"I'll cut you some slack since your menstruating." He says.

All the guys knew he made a mistake because they all backed up as I made my way toward him. I grabbed his ear and twisted it down as if he was a child.

"Take that back." I growled.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it." He pleaded.

Since me and Morgan were finally done bleeding we insisted we all go to the beach.

There wasn't enough room for everyone in Morgans car so I had to ride with the boys, luckily there car fit 8 people so it was perfect. There was 13 of us going in total so we had to take two cars.

I got ready and put on my pink colored bikini.

I got ready and put on my pink colored bikini

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I let my day 2 curls flow over my shoulder. I threw on my white romper and headed downstairs grabbing my phone and earphones once I heard a honk outside.

I get into the car and sit in the back with Noah and Zach. Josh was driving and Justin was riding passenger. Chris, Jase, and Dylan were in the middle, while Noah, Zach, and I sat in the back.

I roll my eyes at the fact that josh put on one direction and put my headphones in my ear. I chose to listen to feeling good by Nina Simone.

I start humming the song. I look over at the boys and I can here the faint sound of them  belting out one direction songs through my music. I grin and look out the window and continue humming to my music.

After the song progresses I find my self singing the words and then actually singing. I notice that I don't hear the sound of terrible singing anymore and look over at the boys. All of there jaws are dropped and are staring at me wide eyed. Noah is just smiling at me though with a look in his eyes I can't really read. I take out my headphones and cock my head to the side.

"What?" I say. I don't really know what's going on.

"Y-your voice." Josh says.

"My voice?" I say confused.

"Ari your a damn good singer." Jase says.

They must of heard my singing along to my song. "Oh well thanks, I guess"

"No Ari, your more than damn good. Your like good enough to be on X factor or the voice." Justin says smiling. I blush a little at the compliment.

"Thanks but I'm more of a dancer than a singer." I say putting my headphones back in.

When we get to the beach we meet up with the girls and lay down our towels. I take off my romper and set it down. I feel the boys eyes on me. Noah's jaw has actually dropped. I smirk at this and walk over to him, swaying my hips a little. I can see him gulp and I have to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing.

I lightly put my fingers under his chin and close his mouth for him. He try's to keep his eyes on mine but they keep falling down to my chest.

"Wouldn't want you catching flies, now would we." I say winking.

I turn away when I see Noah blush.

"Ari your hot." Zach says with a smirk on his lips.

"Thanks I guess." I say. I'm used to being complimented but I don't let it go to my head. I put on sun screen cause even though I rarely burn, when I do I burn like a bitch.

"Noah." I say. He looks up at me.

"Um yeah?" He asks.

"Can you put sun screen on my back?" I ask.

His eyes kind of light up for a second as if he's happy I'm asking him to do it.

"Yeah sure." He says with a smile.

I hand him the sun screen and he lightly rubs it in my hack. I get a weird feeling in my stomach when he touches me...and I like it. A quiet moan escapes my lips when he goes a little bit lower down my back. I look around, embarrassed, to make sure no one heard that, and I don't think anyone did.

"I heard that princess." Noah says into my ear before he pulls off his shirt and goes into the water.

I stare at his muscles a little too long from a distance and he winks at me. I shrug it off and I get into the water with everyone else. I'm only in the water to my ankles, the water is freezing.

All of a sudden I'm lifted on to someone's shoulder. Noah!

"Put me down!" I yell, but not too serious since I don't mind the view. Did i seriously think that. Gross.

"Nope." Is all he says as we get further into the water. He starts swinging me and I realize what he's about to do.

"I swear Noah don't you dare." I warn. He doesn't listen. He throws me in the water and I scream. As soon as I'm underwater I form a plan. I don't surface as I swim towards Noah's legs. The water is dark enough that he doesn't see me as I pull him under water with me.

We surface together smiling at each other, looking into each other eyes. I feel so happy around him, I really like him and I think I might like him more than a friend. We just stare into each other's eyes for what could have been an hour until Dylan yells, "Stop eye raping each other!"

I snap out of my daze and we both look away blushing.

"We're going to go look around the shops, you guys coming with?" Alex yells.

"Yeah, let's go." I say as me and Noah trail behind our friends.


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