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(This is the first chapter of the story, obviously. Here's a heads up; this story contains mature content. Do not copy my work, All story rights belong to me. Anyway,Enjoy the chapter.💕)

Natalie's POV


I'm cold.

I'm standing in the woods, in the middle of no where. The fall breeze hits my skin slightly. I could hear the leaves falling from the trees, the wind from the tree branches.

Where am I? I thought to myself.

I could hear wolves crying at the full moon. They were close, I could feel it. I run, I have no clue where but I keep running. My legs start to grow tired, I stop by a tree stump and I sit down.

"Natalie?" I hear a voice call out.

"Who's out there?" I yell.

"Natalie, Help!" I hear the voice shout.

I stand up from the tree stump and I walk slowly, trying to follow the voice. "Hello?" I call out, "Who's here?"

I hear a twig snap behind me, I jump slighty from the noise. I quickly look back and see nothing is there, "Natalie!"

I continue to walk forward, The voice calling my name finally stops. All I hear is scilence, Not even the cool breeze.

I look over to the tree a few feet away from me, there's two dead bodies. I'm in shock, I can barely move. They became more clear for me to identify, those bodies were my parents.

"Mom, Dad?" I cry out. I slowly walk over to their lifeless bodies, I bend over and cry on their chests. I hear leaves shuffle on the ground, I look up to come face to face with a wolf. It's sharp blue eyes look into mine, I completely froze. It walked closer towards me, "Please, no!" I beg. More wolves come out from behind the trees, each one eyeing me, "Please.." I beg again.

"Natalie! Natalie! Wake up!" I feel someone shaking me, I groan in annoyance. "What?" I say as I rub my eyes. "I made breakfast, C'mon." Jodie says, "Alright, I'm coming."

After she leaves the room, I get up from my warm, comfortable bed. I exit my room and head downstairs into the kitchen, "Good Morning sleepy head." Jodie says, I roll my eyes. Jodie is my aunt, I've been living with her for the past few years. Ever since my parents died, she's tried everything to keep me happy. I appreciate everything she's done for me, I really do.

I sit on the stool by the island counter and grab my plate of pancakes. After I was done, I put them in the sink and went back into my bedroom. I walked towards my dresser with my frame of my parents, I miss them dearly. I think about them everyday they're all I think about actually.

I place the frame down and walk into the bathroom. I decided to take a shower. After my shower, I walked back into my room to change into my outfit for the day which was; a pair of dark washed jeans, a white v-neck and a pair of white low top converse. Once I was finally dressed, I made my bed then headed back downstairs.

"Natalie, come here." Jodie says, "There's someone I want you to meet." I obey and her voice follows to the living room, "Vance, this is my neice Natalie, Natalie this is Vance." His hand strong hands shake mine, "Hello." I say. "It's a pleasure to meet you." A smile grows on his muscular face, hes very attractive but he looks older than me. Out of the corner of my eye I see a man standing next to Vance, he's extremely handsome, he's really tall too. "This is my son, Mason."

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