Part 2 Chapter 13

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 Chapter 13


When Jake got home, Ms. Reyes and Amanda were on him right away. Kathryn was out of her mind with worry when Amanda received a call informing them that they saw Jake being hit by a car outside of the school. As they asked him how he was feeling and trying to see if there was any obvious injuries, he tried to ease them by assuring them he was fine.

"Why didn't you call?" Kathryn asked.

"I didn't feel like I had to. I could walk. I was fine. Really."

"Jake. You got hit by a car. You need to be checked out."

"I'm fine, Ms. Reyes. No blood. No broken bones. I feel great. Honestly." Jake said. Kathryn looked at him with a dead gaze.

"We're going to the emergency room. I want you checked out. Come on." Kathryn forced Jake around and led him out to her car. She instructed Amanda to go on ahead with dinner.

"Wait. I want to go with you."

"You do?"

"I just want to make sure he's all right too."


"Yes. Besides, Nathan went over to his friend's place for dinner.

"Fine. Let's just go.

"The emergency room was actually rather quiet when they arrived. There were a few people waiting to see a doctor, but no one looked like an extreme case. There was no blood or broken bones. Jake and Amanda sat down while Kathryn went to the front desk and signed in. "I know what happened." Amanda whispered.


"I know it was Joel Appleworth who did this to you."


"Gossip like this spreads like fire. I heard he was mad at you for talking to his girlfriend. What were you thinking putting the moves on Lindsay?"

"I wasn't putting the moves on anyone. Lindsay and I just got along. We shared a class. It's not my fault her boyfriend is a paranoid psychopath!"

"Well, now you know how dangerous he is. Stay away from Lindsay."

"Wait. You knew Joel ran me down?"

"Well, when we got the call that you had been hit, I was pretty confident it was Joel. He's done this before."

"What is it about that guy? Does this whole town let him do whatever he wants?"

"Pretty much. A lot of people here take high school football very seriously. The police have covered up a lot of crap."

"This is crazy."

"You should consider yourself lucky. You look pretty good for being run over by a car."

"That's because I am fine. I was a little dazed, but I was healing up and then I stopped by this house in town. I met this crazy woman. Anna White."

"You went to her house?" Amanda asked. Her tone was troubling. "Why?"

"I don't know. I was just hobbling along and I saw it and I was drawn to it. She took me in, healed me up the rest of the way. She even gave me this." Jake then indicated to the cloth wrapped around his neck.

"What is that? It looks rotten."

"It's too much to explain now, but it's working great for me. She was cool."

"I've heard stories about her. They say she eats children and hunts wolves at night."

"And you believe it?"

"No, but she's crazy. That's bad enough."

"She's not crazy. She's not really normal, but there's more to her than that."

"Just be careful."

"You're concerned?"

"Don't let it go to your head." Kathryn finally finished filling out the paperwork and came over to them.

"They say someone will be out in a few minutes. I also called the police. They said they can get someone over here to take your statement."

"The police?"

"You were hit by a car, Jake! They drove off and that makes it a hit and run. We have to call the police."

"Ms. Reyes," Jake said. "This really isn't necessary. I'm fine."

"You were hit by a car, Jake. You may look fine, but I want to be sure. There could be injuries that you don't realize are there."

"Fine." Jake said. Just then a doctor came up to them and smiled.

"Hello. May I see Jake?" He asked. Jake stood up before the doctor. "Well. You certainly don't look like you were hit by a car. Even your clothes are intact."

"I'm sorry, doctor. Ms. Reyes is just a little worried."

"Yes, I am," Kathryn said. "He was hit by a car. Can't you run any tests or anything?" The doctor understood her urgency and knew what to do.

"Yes. Jake? If you'd follow me? I just have a few tests to run and we should see the full extent of your injuries, if there are any." Jake nodded and followed the doctor into the examination area. They walked behind a curtain and the doctor asked Jake to have a seat.

"So, what kind of tests are you going to do?"

"Just a few basic x-rays. You seem to be fine and as long as you're not in any pain and you're not bleeding, I don't see any reason to keep you. Although, if you do feel any pain, I want you to come right back here, understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"I know how Kathryn can be. She worries, especially about her kids. It can be a little suffocating. We try to humor her as best we can when she brings in non-emergency cases."

"Well, I was hit by a car. I don't know if that's such a non-emergency. In fact, shouldn't I be reporting this to the cops, or something?" The doctor then grew uncomfortable and darted his eyes away.

"Well, normally, but in a case like this, I think we can spare the police the bother." Jake thought about what Amanda had been saying out in the waiting room and it began to dawn on him.

"Oh. Because it was Joel Appleworth, right? You know it was him, don't you?"

"Off the record, yes."

"So, I can't press charges against the guy who tried to kill me?"

"I understand the frustration, Jake. I do. I wish I could help, but honestly even if you did report it, there wouldn't be anyone to back you up. There were no witnesses."

"That seems funny considering all the people who know that I was hit and that I was hit by Joel. Sounds like everyone knows."

"No one would come forward."

"Not even you?"

"I'd like to, but this is a small town and if word got out I had a hand in sending our star football player to juvenile hall,"

"Juvenile hall? No. Joel belongs in prison. He's got a serious problem. I can't believe this whole town is turning a blind eye to this."

"I'm not thrilled with it either, but my hands are tied."

"Fine. I guess it doesn't matter."

"Let's just get those x-rays done and get you home."

After Jake's examination was done and he was ready to leave, two uniformed officers arrived and found him. They asked him a few questions about the incident and he told them everything he could, but he was getting the impression that it was pointless.

He told them that Joel Appleworth was behind the attack, but once he mentioned that name, both officers seemed to lose interest in the report and were fairly vague about whether or not they would even investigate. They explained to Kathryn that they would do everything they could, but Jake was certain that it wouldn't be much.�(P�q�

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