Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Status Quo

The weeks streaked by and I was finding my place in the day to day. I was getting along better with Amanda, although Nathan was still being a douche every chance he could get. He was growing less mean about it so I considered that progress.

School was actually getting pretty tolerable as well. Veronica was still hanging out with me; which was odd because I wasn't used to having a friend, much less having one for more than a few days. It was a good change. I was getting through my classes just fine, but my favorite one was the drama class I shared with Lindsay Harris. My interest in her grew into something deeper. I couldn't really speak to her outside of class. She was always flanked by her friends or her boyfriend, Joel. I had a feeling she enjoyed our time as well. When I saw her around school, she seemed stiff and careful about herself, but when we were in drama class, she was free to be her and I could only imagine what a relief that was for her. She wasn't the queen cheerleader. She wasn't Joel Appleworth's prize. She was Lindsay Harris.

Drama class was like a pocket of time we were allowed to share together and every day made me cherish it more and more.

On the second day of class, Mrs. Wexler seemed to see something in our interactions and when it came to partner up the class, she assigned me to Lindsay for the semester. Much to my happiness, Lindsay didn't have any problem with it.

Every day in class we would run lines and practice scenes but in between those exercises, we had time to talk and I learned a little more about her every day. Even after four weeks, I wanted to know more.

It was a Friday afternoon and after our drama class was over, Lindsay and I walked out together. I wasn't sure I was so drawn to her, and I really didn't know why she seemed to be so drawn to me, but I didn't want to spoil it. We chatted for a bit in the hall, but something stole her attention from me and when she looked away, I followed her gaze and I saw a small group of guys approaching. They were all wearing letter jackets. Two guys flanked the one guy in the middle. The two flanking looked like little angry grunts with more muscle than brains, but the middle guy was tall and commanding. He had rather lengthy brown hair that grew out into a nicely curled tail. His clothes hung just right. He looked like he stepped right off the page of a JC Penny catalog.

"Hey!" He barked.

"Joel!" Lindsay called out. Her voice sounded happy, but her face looked a little less than thrilled. She ran over to him as if she had been trained to do so. He took her into his arms, but his angry eyes stayed on me.

"Who's this smear?" He asked.

"This is Jake. He's new here. He's my friend."

"Really. He looks like he's interested in more than being your friend."

"Joel, you say that about everyone. Jake's nice. You might even like him."

"I doubt it," Joel growled. He then looked straight at me. "You play?"

"What? Football? Not really. No." I said.

"What's your game?"

"I don't really have one. I've never been at any school long enough to get on any teams."

"All right." Joel then turned to his grunts.

"I better get going. Bus won't wait for me." I said and I started away from the others. As I hurried down the hall, I could still feel Joel's eyes burning through me. I felt a strange pull under my skin. It was familiar. The demon wanted blood, but I couldn't oblige it.

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