Chapter 3

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Your Brand New Life

I walked into the house and I had to admit it was different. It looked like a real home. The furniture looked like it had cost a decent amount of money. There was actual art on the wall and they had a big flat screen TV in the living room.

As we walked in, I looked to the left and I could see the kitchen. It looked real too. Many of the homes I had stayed at were more like generic facilities. They looked like homes on the outside, but behind the facade was just the gear works of what barely made it legal.

Kathryn invited us to sit and I had to admit I was impressed by what I was seeing. Kathryn sat down across from us and she looked at me and smiled.

"I've heard a lot about you, Jake." I felt a cold shiver run up my spine. I have heard people say that before and it was never a good thing.

"Oh, yeah?"

"You come with a very colorful file." Kathryn said.

"You should know that Jake has been working with a therapist," Tilda added. "I have a list of recommended doctors here in Oak Bridge."

"Thank you, but I think the biggest problem Jake has is a lack of a stable home environment. That's something we can offer you here."


"Yes. I have two other kids boarding here. You'll meet them later at dinner."

"So, it doesn't bother you that I'm possessed?"

"Jake!" Tilda snapped.

"It's all right, Tilda," Kathryn said with a gentle laugh. "Many kids come here with all kinds of problems. Some of them are real and others are all in their heads. I try to help them sort through what is real and what isn't."

"Look, I know what's real and the demon I have in me is as real as it gets."

"Jake, please. I believe we discussed the importance of first impressions, didn't we?"

"Tilda? I have some drinks ready in the kitchen. Would you be kind enough to get them while Jake and I have a moment alone?"

"With pleasure." Tilda got up and marched over to the kitchen. My stomach lurched a bit as she left. Kathryn seemed a little too good to be true and I felt as though I was about to meet who she really was. She walked over and sat down next to me on the couch. She just smiled and took my hand.

"I read your file, Jake. I know everything about what brought you here. I'm can't say anything about the possession thing, but I can tell you that we will do everything we can to help you while you are here. I've met a lot of kids with very big problems, but with a little structure and care and love, solutions were found."

"I guess it doesn't much matter. It's not like I have a choice about staying here."

"Yes, but you do have a choice in trusting me. I hope you do choose to trust me."

"It's a little hard considering the last fifteen years."

"Yes. I realize it hasn't been easy for you and that can make trust hard. If you let me, I will earn your trust." She said. I looked up into her eyes and it was like she was seeing right into my soul. I felt a warmth in the pit of my stomach, but it felt good for a change.

Tilda returned with the drinks and we chatted a bit more. Kathryn went on to explain how things were going to work. I had been enrolled in Oak Bridge High and I would be getting my own room. That in itself was a reason to smile. Most of the time I had to share a room with two or three more kids and we were stacked on top of each other like wood.

Kathryn took us upstairs to the room in question. It was nice. A bit empty. There was a dresser and a bed and a desk. That was about it. She said that most kids wound up decorating and filling it up with their stuff, but I had no stuff. I walked over to the closet and slid the door open. There were a couple of hangers on the wooden rod but other than that it was bare. I set my bag down on the floor and kicked it in and shut the closet. I wanted to be happier to be there, but all I could think about is how long it would be until I was being carted off once more.

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