Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Family Dinner

Jake was alone in his room. The lights were off and it was dark outside. He was sitting on the floor with his legs folded over each other and his eyes were shut tight. It was a trick he had come across years earlier. He had never studied meditation formally, but he had the basics down. He isolated his mind from outside distractions and focused on his thoughts. It seemed to help to keep the incessant chatter of the demon at a tolerable level. At first it was very effective, but in the past couple years he found that it wasn't as potent. Jake was becoming worried for the day when it was going to lose all effectiveness completely. He had no back up method of relaxation and if he couldn't fade out the demon, he was afraid it would only be a matter of time before he would go completely insane.

He opened his eyes and the room was still. He could hear the activity below. It sounded like plates were being clinked together and silverware was being rummaged through. It was like his room was just outside of the rest of the world and Jake was boxed into a black, static space. Isolated and alone.

"Jake! Dinner!" Kathryn called out from below. Jake let out a breath and got to his feet. He hurried down the stairs and just before he went into the dining room, he took a deep breath. He walked in and the table was well set. A large salad was set at one end of the table and Nathan was at the other end dishing out what looked to be some kind of vegetable stew. Jake took a seat and took a sip of water from the glass in front of him. He looked over to Amanda as she walked in from the kitchen with a plate of rolls. Their eyes locked and Jake felt something cold slide through him. She set the plate down and sat down across from him. As Nathan finished serving up the stew, he sat down next to Amanda and his stare caught Jake as well. His eyes were cold. Kathryn appeared from the kitchen and looked at the three kids at the table.

"I hope we can have a nice meal tonight." She said as she took her seat.

"Yes, Ms. Reyes." Amanda said as she reached for the salad. The food was passed around the table in deafening silence and once everyone had what they wanted, they began to eat. Jake was pleasantly surprised by the food. It was actually good. It was so good, he sometimes forgot Nathan and Amanda were shooting venomous glances at him. It wasn't a first. Most of the time when he met other kids, they would almost instantly hate him. He assumed it had something to do with the demon. He thought maybe it was some subconscious vibration it transmitted on a wavelength that was imperceptible to regular people.

"All right," Kathryn said at last. "I can't stand this! What is going on here? Amanda? Nathan? What is your problem with Jake? You just met him."

"Well, I think he's psycho for believing he's possessed by a demon." Nathan said.

"Jake is not psycho. He's had a troubled past. I'd think you two would be able to relate to that. Everyone who comes here has that in common. Amanda?"

"I don't know," She then looked over at Jake and her face softened a bit. "I can't be the first to tell you that there's something about you that turns people away."

"Actually, you aren't." Jake said.


"It's something about the demon. Something that can't be heard or seen. I know you all think I'm crazy talking like that, but I really don't care. Just because you don't believe doesn't mean it's not true."

"It's fine, Jake," Kathryn said.

"Whatever help you need to get through this, we'll support you in it."

"He's insane!" Amanda barked.


"I want proof!"

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