Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Morning After

The next morning when Jake came down for breakfast, he felt the icy glare of Ms. Reyes. She caught him in her sights and his face became red.

"You are aware of the curfew rules, aren't you?" She asked in a quiet tone.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Then what were you doing out after eleven?"

"I went out to meet some kids from school. Veronica came over and,"

"Wait. I don't remember anyone coming over last night."

"She kind of climbed up to my room."

"I think it should go without saying that there are rules against that as well."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know she was going to just come over."

"It's all right. Just tell your friends to come through the front door in the future."

"I will."

"I guess I'm glad to hear you're making friends, at least."

"Veronica is pretty cool."

"Any other friends?"

"Not yet. Not so far."

"Give it time. It's hard to fit in when you're new, but before you know it you'll be one of the gang."


"Now go get something to eat. The bus will be here in a few minutes.

"Jake got on the bus and he saw Veronica in the back, asleep, again. He sat down next to her and she snorted as she woke up.

"Oh, hey, Jake."


"What happened with you and Lindsay last night?"

"I don't know. We just started talking and I lost all track of time. What about you? Why didn't you signal me it was getting late?"

"I tried, but you two were in your own little bubble."


"Yes. I guess you got into some hot water when you got home, right?"

"Yes, but nothing serious. You?"

"I can get in and out of my house whenever I want with not a single soul knowing. Even our dogs don't know I'm gone."

"You're that good?"

"My parents are that oblivious. They both work all day and by the time dinner is over, they're dead to the world. I get away with murder and I love it! So, what did you and Lindsay talk about for so long?" Jake tried to recall any part of their conversation from the night before, but he couldn't remember anything.

"I don't know. I really don't. We talked for so long, but I don't remember anything she said. I can't remember anything I said. I certainly didn't tell her about the demon." Jake realized his slip the second the word left his mouth. He turned toward Veronica hoping she hadn't heard.

"Demon?" She asked. "Did you say demon?"


"What about a demon?"

"I can't talk about it."

"The Hell you can't."

"It's just crazy talk. Please. Let it go."

"Fine. For now."

"Thanks." Jake was relieved Veronica backed off, but he knew it was only a matter of time until she started to bug him again about it. Anytime he ever dared open up to anyone about his condition, he ran the real risk of either having one more person thinking he's insane, or losing a friend completely. After that was usually when things would turn to shit on him and he would soon be on his way to a new home, again. After only a couple days, Jake was feeling he wanted to stay in Oak Bridge. He already had made more friends there than any other place he had ever lived.

The day went on as normal. Jake was finding his way around the school and he was growing comfortable in his surroundings. He met with Veronica for lunch and they ate out on the bleachers by the football field. It was a popular lunch spot for those who were tired of the endless noise of the lunch hall.

Veronica was true to her word and she was careful not to bring up any demon talk, but Jake was anticipating a question or inquiry at any moment. Much to his relief, Veronica's new concern was his interaction with Lindsay Harris.

"You have your drama class with her today, right?"


"What are you going to tell her?"

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. Is there something special I should say to her?"

"Of course! You had a moment last night. The follow up to that is huge!"

"I thought you didn't like Lindsay."

"If this were a sinking ship, she wouldn't be the first one I'd save, but I don't hate her."

"Besides, you told me she's seeing Joel."

"True, but that's not to say you two can't be friends."

"I don't know if I only would want to be friends with her."

"You like her."

"I guess. As much as you can like someone you barely know."

"But you do know her. At least, better than you did."

"I just think it might be better if I kept my distance."

"Jake. You're new here and while that can alienate you, it can also raise your stock. You're the mysterious new kid. Use it."

"It's fine. I really don't want to stir up anything. It'd be nice just to be under everyone's radar for a while." Veronica shrugged her shoulder and took a bite of her sandwich.

"Play it your way. I just think you're missing a big opportunity."

After lunch, Jake and Veronica returned to their classes and at long last the end of the day was drawing near and Jake was headed to his last class. His drama class. Despite his words, he was anxious to see Lindsay again, but he was too scared to admit it to anyone. He walked into the class room and he felt his stomach do a flip when he saw Lindsay. He maneuvered his way toward her and sat in the desk next to her. She looked over at him and smiled.

"Jake. Hi!" She said.

"Hey, Lindsay. You get home all right last night?"

"Yes. You?"

"Yeah. I got into a little hot water, though."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I broke the curfew. It's my fault. Not that I regret it. It was nice getting to know you."

"Yeah, it was. You're very unusual, Jake. I've never met anyone like you before. There's just something different about you."

"We're all different."

"I know, but there's just something really different. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It isn't. It's kind of refreshing."

"Refreshing? Thanks. I've been described a lot of ways before, but refreshing hasn't been one of them."

"Well, now you have been." Lindsay smiled and Jake, despite himself, smiled back. He suddenly regretted not having anything more ready to say to her, but before the silence grew awkward, their drama teacher, Mrs. Wexler, breezed in and began the class.


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