Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Growing Tensions

I didn't report the locker incident to anyone and chose to carry on as if nothing had happened. I felt getting upset over it would be exactly what Joel wanted and I figured the best way to fight against his bullying was to act as though it left no impression at all.

I walked the halls of the school with my head held high, determined to show defiance to Joel's will. Lindsay kept urging me to walk away, but I refused. I wasn't going to let him win. The way she talked, it seemed like she was really upset over the whole situation and I hated to put her through it, but I was determined to make sure everything was different this time around and I wasn't going to let Joel ruin it for me.

It had been a few weeks and there had been no more incidents, but then I really didn't run into Joel very much and the only time Lindsay and I saw each other was in our drama class. We were paired off and working on a particularly challenging scene.

"I'm sorry. I keep flubbing this line." She said after missing the same line for the fifth time. We were practicing for a scene project that we were due to perform at the end of the next week.

"It's all right. Just relax and let me know when you're ready to go again."

"How have things been going for you?"

"It's been two weeks and I'm still in one piece. Your boyfriend doesn't seem to be barking up my tree anymore."

"He hasn't?"

"No. Have you heard anything?"

"No. Not really. It's just weird for him to just back off like this."

"I'm probably the first person in this school who has stood up to him. He's just an overgrown child."

"He's just insecure. It's hard for him. Everyone expects him to be perfect all the time."

"Really? I heard this is his third time going through his Senior year."

"That's not true. It's only his second."

"You really like being with this guy?"

"There's a side of him most people don't see. He's as real with me as I am with you. He's flawed and sensitive. I think his aggressive nature is just overcompensation for that."

"Then he must be one Hell of a guy."

"He has his moments."

"I don't get this."


"You and him. In fact, I don't get who you are out there at all. When we get to talk here, you're smart and real. Out there you're just another one of the clones. Is all of this what you really want?" Lindsay looked back at me as if that was the first time anyone had ever asked her that question.

"I threw my first cheerleader audition."

"Excuse me?"

"I never told anyone that before. I didn't want to join the squad, but my mother was so insistent. I figured if I at least tried out that would get her off my back. I had to make it look good though. I practiced a routine and everything, but when I went before the squad, I screwed up on purpose. I missed the steps. I mixed up some lines. I even cheered for our rival."

"And they took you anyway?"

"I assumed blowing it that bad would have been enough, but all they really wanted was someone who was pretty. I had the look and the rest is history."

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