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Got it from Pintrest!!!

Nico woke up in a cot, unsure of where he was. Then he sat up, his face inches away from the blond healer that had forced him to stay in the infirmary. He jumped back.

"Solace, were you watching me sleep?"

A tint of red colored Will's cheeks.

"Nico, uh... You were translucent for a while. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Nico realized that Will's hand was on top of his. He almost pulled it away, but the boy's touch warmed him. He ignored it.

"You're looking at lot better now." Will noted.

"Thanks" Nico said.

Then he caught himself. "For... looking out for me and stuff. I'm surprised anyone would care so much about my health.

Will's eyebrows scrunched. "Stop talking like that! Of course people care about you."

"Like who?"

"Like your sister, and your friends from the Argo II, and... and me."

Nico couldn't have heard it right, or at least, he was wrong about the way that he had heard it. It almost sounded like Will was saying... No, that was ridiculous. Why would Nico even think of that?

"You care about me?" Nico said, as he felt Will's hand tighten around his own.

Nico HAD to be dreaming.

"Why is it such a foreign concept to you? You're allowed to be loved Nico- by your friends, your family- you just have to stop pushing it away... Can you promise me that?"

Nico was flabbergasted... If Will's hand hadn't been on top of his, it would have been shaking like a rocket about to lift off. He felt his throat closing off and hoped his voice wouldn't betray him. His hopes were in vain. Instead of words, choked out sputtering was all he could force out of his mouth.

Nico tried to hide his embarrassment. He cleared his throat. "Um... Okay... Yeah... I promise."

Will smiled, and it hit Nico like a beam of pure sunlight.

"Now, That's what I like to hear." Will said, as he pressed his lips to Nico's.

So... you guys.... I'm sorry but I'm not gonna update everyday now... School's starting :( I'll still try and update once a week though...

As for the Truth or Date Chapter, I will publish it as soon as I get enough Truths/Dares.

So comment some here!

Dedicated to Fangirl_Forever101 intelleblue samiithefangirl ScarletArrowKitty jgirlhgirl Lily_Adranine SonofAthena1979
CheshireKitty0918 TNIDAMARTHY and galaxygenesis

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