Unpublished End to The Last Olympian.

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This chapter is dedicated to: totally_mee , who is my best friend in the wide world, who didn't think to tell me her book reached 3.22k reads... Go check it out!!

Okay, I took this from the internet.
So, you guys already know I updated for another reason. I'll tell you the reason at the end of the chapter.

Kronos: Luke is dead! His body will burn away as I assume my true form!!


Percy: Luke.

Percy: Have a snickers.

Percy: You're not you when you're hungry.

Percy: Better?

Luke: Better.

A/N: So, why did I actually update?? Because I have hawt news!!

Rumour has it; that Percy and Annabeth are going on a very special date!! Squeee!!

I hacked into their Facebook account to find this out.

I'll post the details soon, so stay tuned!!!

Don't forget to:





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