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Chapter Twelve:

~•They were in the middle of the month and Gina had been working her ass off since the very beginning. Key wanted a lot of stuff regarding his wardrobe for the wedding and Skyler wanted even more. She only had the rest of this month to finish before their wedding. The wedding. Key's really getting married. She stopped her work and let out a sigh. The building was empty, her office light was the only one on which made the atmosphere kinda creepy. But the only thing on her mind right now was Key. Once he was married he'd be gone. Even though she pushed him away, she was still able to see him. But with Skyler as his wife who knows what she'd do. "I was hoping he'd back out by now....guess not..." She leaned on her desk twirling her pencil around in her fingers. "Who?" "Kyaaa~!!" He jumped roughly in her seat as a laugh followed behind her squeal. "God!! Key!! What the hell are you doing here this time of night?! How did you even get in?!!" "Nyla gave me a key." Gina sighed and rubbed her head "Of course she did..." "Why are you here so late anyway?" He asked taking a seat on her desk and she looked up at him with a glare. "I'm working on your fiancé's wedding dress. She wants diamonds all over her dress you know!" She growled and Key looked down with irritation in his eyes. "Let's not talk about her or the wedding right now." He hopped off her desk and took the pencil out of her hand "We're going out." Gina raised a brow "Excuse me?" "You. Me. Drinks. Now." Gina scoffed and rose from her seat "I'm sorry, didn't I tell you I didn't want to be associated with you anymore?" Key walked up to her "Did you think you had a choice hon?" His grin made her heart skip a beat as he stood rather close to her. "Let's go. You've been working to hard anyway." He took her wrist and pulled her away from her cluttered desk. "Yah! Wait! Key!" She struggled against his grip as he turned off the light and grabbed her jacket.

~• "Can I get a refill please?" Gina waved her glass in the air toward the bartender at the bar. Key chuckled with his glass against his lips "I knew you'd loosen up once you got a drink in your hand." She gave him a look as the bartender refilled her glass "Maybe if I drink enough you'll go away..." She hissed at him but Key only smiled at her. "You can be as cold as you want to me. I'm not gonna leave you alone." Gina threw back her drink and scoffed "What do you want Kibum?" He sat back in his chair and folded his arms "I want to know if you're ok." She gave a confused look as she tilted her head "huh?" "Well, I don't know if it's ok to bring it up but I remember you were going through some stuff. I wanna know where you stand with it right now." Gina looked down at her glass "I got help for my depression among other things but I'd be lying if I said everything was rainbows and sunshine." "So things are better though right?" She smiled lightly "Yeah things are a lot better." He smiled back before going back to his drink and Gina stared at him. I don't get it. He's going to be married in a few weeks and he's here with me instead of cuddling up with his soon to be wife. In fact he's been distancing himself from Skyler quite a lot recent. What's going on with them? "So I guess this means I'm your best friend again?" He asked taking her out of her thoughts. "I guess it was stupid to think I could keep you out of my life huh?" He hummed with a smirk "You never left mine."

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