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Chapter Six:

  ~• "Here you go." SoonHee handed her a cup of hot chocolate. Gina took it from her carefully "Thanks..." a blanket fell over her head and arms as she sniffed with her knees to her chest. "I'm sorry for ruining you guys's evening...I-I know you two had a date planned..." She sounded like a scared little child that's done something horrible. She felt so guilty that she could hardly talk with ought filling up with tears. "It's ok Gina." Jonghyun smiled at her and fixed her blanket for her. "Yeah, we're your elders, we take care of you." SoonHee smiled and she laughed a little "I'm really grateful you know" she looked at them with child like eyes and her inning smiled "We know." "I can't believe Kibum didn't believe you." Jonghyun gave a pouty face and she shook her head "It's ok, I figured he wouldn't. He's always seen me as a joke, I just haven't realized it till now..." SoonHee furrowed her brow "Ani Gina, I'm sure you mean more to Key than that." "Yeah, he's always talking about at the dorm, you're his best friend." added Jonghyun and Gina signed and took a sip of her drink. And that's all he'll remember me by...

~• "Gina, I know you're there, just pick up your phone! I've already called you a thousand times! Do you realize how many minutes I'm wasting?!" Key huffed into his phone his face nearly turning red from frustration. "She's not gonna answer you" said Minho sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed. "Why the fuck not?!" he hissed turning to him as he dialed her number once again and listened to the ringer. "Well for one, you laughed in her face when she told you she loved you and made her feel like an complete and utter fool." He jumped removing the phone from his ear "Yah!! I didn't laugh in her face! I-" "Second." Minho cut him off as he counted on his fingers and Key put the phone back to his hear with a groan. "You didn't believe her when she told you she loved you and treated her attempts at showing you before hand as a joke." Key tried to ignore him as he waited for the ringer to end and Minho kept counting. "Three, you're blowing up her phone like a maniac when she obviously and clearly doesn't want to be bothered. Five, you're the last person she wants to talk to. And lays but not least, you number one biggest mistake in my opinion, telling her that you planned to marry a girl that's treated her badly through out the entire course of your relationship." "Hey! I couldn't help that Gina and Skyler hated each other ok?! And what else did you expect me to do?! You wanted her to find out the day after the wedding?!" Minho kept his cool and regardless of Keys loud voice and ugly attitude "No. But you shouldn't have been the one to tell her, you should have told Oka Noona or Onew Hyung before crushing her heart like that." "Crushing her hea-" Key jerked and look of shock came across his face. He blinked then returned back to his glare "How do you know all my business anyway?!" Minho chuckled "Jonghyun told me. Soonnie Noona's been taking care of her while she's battling her depression among other things. She's the only one that's seen her at her worst but I guess you count now to." Key walked up to him "SooHee? SoonHee Noona's taking care of her? So she must be there now right??" Minho blinked "Uh I guess, why?" "Annyong~" Jonghyun sung lightly as he walked into the dorm removing his cap "Hyung!" Key ran up to him and he gave a slight glare "What Kibum?" "You came from Noona's right? Is Gina there??" Jonghyun folded is arms "She doesn't want to see you Key, and I don't blame her." "I told him that." called Minho and he rolled his eyes "But I want to see her, take me there." Jonghyun furrowed his brow "Why should I? I'm mad at you too, not only that but SoonHee is really pissed at you ." "Let her be! I need to talk to Gina!" Key yelled and Jonghyun tightened his jaw "And I'm telling you you can't." Key clenched his fists, Jonghyun knew he needed to see her but it wasn't a good idea. He'd be setting himself up for disappointment if he thought that things would go back to the way they were just by talking to her. Jonghyun knew that far to well. "Then I'll drive myself!" He scooped up Jonghyun's car keys only to have him take them away. "There's no way in hell you're driving my car with an attitude like that!" "Fine! Then you're driving me!" He made his way out of the door and Jonghyun watched him walked down the hall to the stairs with a groan. "Stubborn..." "Not as stubborn as you though Hyun." Minho grinned from the sofa and Jonghyun shook his head "Tell the Onew and Taemin we'll be back in about and hour or two." He threw his cap back on and grabbed the door "That is if Soon doesn't knock him out unconscious once we get there..."

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