•~Normal Day~•

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Chapter One:

~• "Thanks for taking me out to dinner, I had fun." she smiled up at her friend Chris as they came to her apartment, he returned it warmly. "I-I'm glad you did, maybe we can do it again soon?" she tilted her head "We'll see" he nodded and they gave each other a hug. He walked down the steps and she opened the door, then turned back to look at him and waved "I'll call you later!" "No you won't." "Kya!!" Gina jumped back with a squeal, clenching her chest "Key?!" He cracked a smile as he turned his head to her, completely relaxed on her couch "Annyong~." She closed the door and walked up to him with a hiss "What are you doing in my apartment so late?!" He casually popped another chip into mouth "I got bored so I came to see you, but I forgot you had a date" he scrunched up his nose as he glared at the closed door. "It wasn't a date Key." She huffed taking off her coat and throwing on the nearby rack. "Then what would you call it?" he gave her a look, "A friendly dinner." "HA!" he let out a single laugh full of doubt as he turned is attention back to the TV. She rolled her eyes and headed to her room to changed, her feet stomping against the wooden floor. He watched her storm off and rose to his feet, making his way into kitchen he refilled his glass with soda from the fridge. "Chris is nice though...for a wimp" he called mumbling the last part as she entered the room again "How would you know, you've never even met him." she grumbled, going into the kitchen as he walked past. "I could tell by his body language." he took his seat back on the couch and looked at him "You were spying on us?!!" she yelled from the kitchen and he glanced at her, looking around for a moment then back at her with a shrug "Neh." "Are you serious?! You can't last five minutes without being nosy?!!" He furrowed his scared brow "It's not my fault, I could see you from the window and you two talked so loud it was impossible not to listen!" "You are unbelieveable!!" she stormed up to him with an angry look "You break into my apartment at ten o' clock at night to spy on me, drink my soda, and eat my chips?!!" He looked her in the eyes "I'm actually doing you a favor" he held up the chip bag with a sour face "These chips are terrible." "KEY!!" "What?? I'm just trying to get you to crack a smile, I've done this like a thousand times before, why are you so upset??" he laughed a little in between his words and he flashed her a light smile, casing her expression to change. But not into a playful one as he expected, but into a sad one. She sighed and Key tilted his head "What happened this time?" his voice was more concerned now as she shrugged lightly "The usual..." She took a seat on the other end of the couch "The date went horrible for me, perfect for him. He wants to see me again, but that's not gonna happen. So, once again he'll probably never talk to me again and we won't be friends anymore." "If you know what's was gonna happen why did accept it when he asked you out?" Key questioned and she held her head "I dont know, because I'm stupid...I just thought that since he was my friend and knew me things woukd have turned out differently. But he acted completely different than he usually does, it's like he was putting on a act. It was all fake, every line, every laugh and smile. Fake." She slouched back in her seat full of emotion, then threw her head back with a groan "That's it, I give up, I'm not gonna accept a date from anyone else who asks me, friend or not...maybe I need to stop dating altogether." Key looked at her in silence, resting his head on his hand, she turned her head and looked at him eyes full of sadness and guilt. "I'm sorry for taking my frustration out on you, I didn't mean to." Key only shrugged with a grin "Didn't bother me, as long as you feel better." This wasn't the first time she's yelled at him, he never took it personally though, he knew she must have been upset about something. He knew her well enough to know when something was deeply bothering her, she was his best friend after all. She smiled a little "I do." He blinked tiredly and looked her in the eyes "Good." He thenrose to his feet and hit her legs as he passed "Now come help me" Gina looked confused "With what?" he looked back at her "Late night dinner, there's no way he gave you a decent meal walking around in a cheap jacket like that." He stuck out his tounge and she giggled slowly rising from her seat "This is dinner and a movie right?" she stood next to him as he gathered the ingredients "Would that make you happy Gina?" he asked rather dramatically "Why yes Kibum, it would make me very happy" she shot back just as dramatically and he broke out into a laugh as did she "Well" Key grinned "Why else would I come over here if it wasn't to make my best friend happy."

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