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Chapter Eleven:

~• "So you want a white dress and tux ready before the 24th of the month after next?" Gina went over her notes as Nyla check her calendar to pinpoint the date. "Correct." Key stated going through his phone marking the date as well. "And what kind of dress would you like?" "Skyler will come in and take care of all that. I'm just here to pick out my suit." Skyler? Coming here? God I really don't want to see her. "Is she coming back with you?" asked Nyla "Um...yeah..." He answered rather lowly and Gina glanced over at him then turned to Nyla who also looked a little worried. "Ok, well that's all for planning" said Nyla closing the large book "That's all for today Nyla why don't you head on home" Nyla looked at her "Are you sure?" Gina smiled "Of course, you go home to your boyfriend, I'm sure he's waiting for you."  Nyla smiled lightly and nodded as she bowed to Key "Excuse me". She left the two alone and Gina started to pack up her things."It's getting kinda late, but if you want you can take a look at the suits we have in the back." She rose to her feet and Key followed "That's fine." He followed her to the storage room, there were thousand of suits and dresses of every kind. "You designed all these?" Key asked looking around, the amazed look on his face made her smile as she turned the corner "Every single one. These are the men's suits, there's a lot for you to chose from" Key stared at her with a soft grin as she spoke "And if you don't like anything here I can always make you something, I'm sure Skyler won't like any of these." She ran her hand over the suits adjusting the plastic that protected them. "You know I thought you'd be more surprised to see me." Gina kept her gaze on the suits as her pace slowed "Why is that?" Key chuckled a little before leaning against a nearby pole "Well, judging on our painful and heartfelt goodbye a little over a year ago, I figured that you thought you'd never see me again." Gina bit her lower lip and dropped her hands to her sides "We work under the same company Key, I couldn't really avoid you." "So does that mean you're happy to seem me?" Gina turned to him and he gave a soft look. "In a way, yes..." He chuckled a little "I'll take that. As nice as these suits are, o think I'm gonna get a new one, totally original, and custom made." She jerked "Custom made?! Knowing you you'll give a project that'll take years to finish!" "Come on Gina I'm not that bad. Besides, my wedding is in a month I don't have time to play around..." Gina looked at him sideways "You don't sound to excited." Key returned his gaze to the suits and sighed, the look on his face showed hesitation and Gina looked at her hands. "Key you don't have to tell me if-" "I'm not." He cut her off as he folded his arms "I'm not excited. But I walk around like I'm the happiest guy in the world." He snarled at himself and Gina wanted to rub it in his face. Tell him how stupid he was to date Skyler in the first place let alone marry her. But she didn't. She felt sorry for me for whatever problems they were going through. She still loved him and wanted nothing but the best for him. "Couples have problems Key, everything isn't always gonna go smoothly." She walked past him toward the hallway leading back to the meeting area. "I know that Gina, but things haven't been going smoothly for a long time." He followed her back to her office as she took a seat at her desk. "Everyone has their limit and I've already past mine about two months ago." He sat in the chair in front of her and she looked up with a sigh. "Well you must still really love her since you proposed to her anyway right?" He groaned and slouched in his seat as he crossed his arms. Gina leaned back as well and took a breath "Key, I'll admit that I'm happy to see you, and I'm sorry that you and Skyler are having problems." He looked at her "But if you don't mind I rather stay out of this. If something happens and people see that I'm involved with it in some way it can ruin my business that I've worked very hard for. I'm already struggling..." She pouted as she spoke the last part and looked down at the papers on her desk. Key eyes them and noticed the big red letters that repeated on almost all of them. Past Due, Final Notice. They were all bills, some dating back to last year. "So from now on its just business between you and me ok? We're not friends, partners or anything of that nature. I'm just a worker and your the client." Key eyed her for a moment as he saw the worry in her eyes. He knew how much this place meant to her and didn't want to see her suffer for his mistakes. "Ok.

Gyo ⊙ Gina حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن