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Chapter Five:

~• "What do you mean she exploded?" Minho raised a brow "I don't know! She just...lost her mind!! She wasn't making any sense!! Then she said that she was in love with me!!" "Is she?" asked Onew continuously eating without missing a beat. "I don't know! I couldn't understand half of the shit she was saying! I-I don't know what just happened!!" Key was about to loose his head, he didn't and couldn't understand why Gina acted the way she did or what caused her to act that way. But he didn't like it, he wanted answers. "Maybe she was just stressed out." said Taemin looking up at his worried and panicked hyung. "Yeah, let her get some rest for tonight, you can talk to her tomorrow" Onew put his hand on his shoulder and key sigh "You need to sleep to." He nodded and began to make his way to bed. "I'm gonna head to SoonHee's place, I'll see you guys later" Jonghyun waved to them all before heading out of the dorms front door.

~•Key followed behind the others that next morning with only one thing on his mind. He wanted to talk to Gina, he knew she'd be there. The girls weren't performing that day but some of them would come and support them when they had a stage. He didn't know how she would react, but he needed answers from her. They walked in and they others went into the dressing room while Key took off on his own to find Gina. He looked around and saw some of the staff setting up the stage, the space was empty and no fans had been allowed in yet. Scanning the room further, he finally spotted a girl in a familiar shade of pink along with a shade of red next to her. It was just her and SoonHee who came and Gina seemed very clingy to her. Which only meant that SoonHee must have known what happened the day before. Not wanting to waste any time he made his way over to them and SoonHee saw him first "Key?" Gina turned then and her face went cold for a short second and she averted her eyes from his. "Hey Noona, is it ok of I talk to G~rin for a moment?" he asked with a smile and Gina tightened her grip on her hand. SoonHee looked at her and gave a small smile before turning back to Key "Sure, I'm gonna look for the others, I'll meet up with you later Gina ok?" She squeezed her hand and Gina nodded hesitantly. She walked off and Key looked down at her, she just stood there so he figured she wasn't going to make the first move. "Rude much, aren't you even gonna say good morning?" He spoke in a friendly tone but Gina didn't seem moved by it "Good morning..." she looked up "Is that all you wanted to say?" "How are you feeling?" He asked ignoring her tone "Fine. As always." Her eyes remained at her feet and Key sighed "Alright then, fine I'll get straight to the point." She looked him in the eyes "What the hell happened yesterday?" She scrunched her nose "What are you talking about?" "You know what I'm talking about. Your huge explosion yesterday? They whole episode you had where you were talking like a crazy person and told me you loved me?!" She jerked and looked around "Will you keep your voice down? Or do you want everyone to think I'm crazy??" she yelled in a hushed voice. "You are aren't you?" he raised a brow as if to mock her and she took a deep breath, her feelings clearly hurt by the comment. "You should watch what you say sometimes Key..." He shrugged his shoulders "Why? I have a right to say what I want. And you need to tell me what's going on." Gina stood stiffly "If you think I'm crazy then it really isn't worth the effort is it?" He folded his arms "Ok, I'm sorry, I don't think you're crazy, all I wanna know is what happen, why it happened and what you really meant when you said you loved me." She gave a confused look "What I meant? Last time I checked telling some one you loved them only meant one thing Key." He looked at her and laughed "Oh come on Gina, you can't be serious. You can't really love me, I have a girlfriend and I'm sure you know that I plan on marrying her don't you?" Her heart tightened in her chest "So it's true?" He nodded and put his hands in his pockets "I'm not sure when I'm gonna ask but I'm going to." Gina bit her cheek and he could see the coldness on her face, hiding her pain. "Then why are you here worrying about me?" "Because you're my friend. That whole thing yesterday scared me to death." Gina looked away "Sure it did..." she whispered to herself and he tilted his head "Are you gonna tell me what happened now or what? I'm not gonna leave you alone until you do" He gave a playful grin and she clenched her fists "Fine" She spoke low and sadly, he could hear the sadness and depression in her voice. "You wanna know what happened? I had a mental break down. And you want to know why? Because of you. You're so unmindful of what you say that all it took was you calling me crazy to trigger my episode. And that's not all I'm also suicidal, have depression, low self of steam and a MOUNTAIN of other things that I'll be more than happy to send you in the mail. So if I've answered all your questions please do me the favor of leaving me alone. Forever." Key looked confused and stunned as she started to walk away with watery eyes "Yah Gina!" he grabbed her arm "Wait a minute!" She pushed him back as he kept his grip on her shoulders "What are you saying? Is this because I laughed at you when you said you loved me? But you were kidding right, it was a joke! It was just something you said while you were in crazy land right?? You didn't mean it did you???" Gina looked down with tears spilling from her eyes her expression as cold as ice. Key's face dropped "Did you?..." She sniffed and raised her head with a shrug "It's ok. It's not my first time being rejected. You should know." She wiped her eyes with a sad laugh and Key's arms dropped to his sides "What does it matter anyway. Right? You have Skyler now..." She backed away "And you don't need me. Not anymore." she turned and started walking towards the back. Key wanted to call after her, say something, but he couldn't.

Gyo ⊙ Gina Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant