Yeah me! Though I just let a girl open the car door for me...

My mom sent a sneaky wink in my direction. I chuckled and gave her a thumps up once Kiranya turned her back towards us, opening the gates.

What did I do to deserve such parents?

The inside of Kiranya's house looked the same like last time. Just homely and gave no clue as to what was going on in this silent girl's life. My mom kept openly praising the interior designing and everything she could think off and see. And since I've told my parents about how Kiranya had changed so much, my mother didn't ask about her parents.

When it was time for us to leave, Kiranya accompanied us to the door, her hand carrying a paper cover.

"It was nice to finally get to actually know you, dear," amma said as she without any warning, pulled Kiranya into a hug.

Kiranya didn't hug back immediately but her hands slowly wrapped around my mother's frame, her eyes on me.

Corpse eyes like always stared at me as I stood behind my mom. I didn't know what she was thinking. I didn't know if her eyes were questioning me, seeking mine or if they were simply staring into mine. But I didn't lower my eyes as I stared back at her till my mother pulled back making Kiranya avert her gaze to my mom's.

But during our short staring session I realised one thing.

I liked staring into her eyes. Eyes so black.

Mentally slapping myself to clear my mind which has been acting weird for quite sometime, I tried to concentrate on what was going between my mother and friend.

Kiranya was trying to make my mother accept the paper cover while my amma kept shaking her head, pushing the cover back to her. And it didn't take Einstein to figure out what the cover had.


Kiranya looked more than determined and my mom looked equally determined. Pfft, women.

"It's alright, Kiranya dear, please don't make me feel like a stranger by paying me back. And it wasn't even that huge a sum or anything." She even flashed her best, warm, motherly smile but Kiranya's corpse eyes didn't crack as she simply stared back, no smile on her face.

"I insist, auntie."

My mom looked between Kiranya and the money and when she finally decided that Kiranya wasn't someone to back away that easily, she heaved a sigh.

"Alright, young lady, give me that but I want a favour from you. I'll accept the money only if you say okay."

Kiranya didn't think twice before nodding.


My mother and I shared a look, a huge grin on my face and amusement filled in her eyes. My puppy eyes worked really well after all!

Or amma just wants you to be happy.

Ha, as if I want Kiranya to make myself happy.

What's with the 'as if.' It is a written fact. You want her to be happy yourself.

Certainly not!

Yeah, whatever floats your boat, moron.

"How can I help you?" Kiranya asked, pulling me from my squabble with myself. I'm totally weird, I tell you.

"Oh nothing much," my amma laughed and patted both of Kiranya's shoulders, "I've an important meeting to attend and Varun's dad is out of town. This guy can't stay in one place without getting into trouble so do you think you could allow him to be in your place till evening? I hope your parents don't mind."

I turned towards my mother sharply at the mention of 'parents' but I didn't get the chance to glare at my mom's slip since Kiranya turned to look at me. Eyes as blank as an empty canvas.

"So this is what I've to do for you to accept the money?" she asked but her eyes were on me.

Black against violet and blue-green.

And no one wanted to lose first.

I felt amusement and a very tiny bit of worry radiate from my mother.

"Yes, love."

Black eyes were the first to give up. And when she released my eyes from her black smothering hold, I felt free. Yet strangely under captivity.

"My mother wouldn't mind."


Sorry for such a late update. Finals are finally done! Yay! I'm finished with first year of college and I've a month long vacation. I'm planning to update as much as possible so get ready to be attacked by irregular updates haha.

Did you like the chapter? I loved it actually :P

I had to read the previous chapters to get into Varun's essence. So sorry if he sounds different but it's been a long time since I last wrote from his pov.

SPREAD WORD ABOUT THIS STORY. It would mean the world to me if you guys help me to make this book more successful :')

Tell me about your thoughts and tell what you guys think will happen in the future chapters. I'm downright excited for the rest of the story since I've 60% of the story planned out which is a huge thing for me since I usually write a story with zero preparation of plot lol.

With love,

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