Chapter 30 - "Whoa you look like a cat that just realised it ate its own shit"

Start from the beginning

“I do however envy you being with all these cool celebrities whilst I’m stuck here labouring over for an order going to Ralph Lauren,” she told me. I gaped at her, “Ralph Lauren? Holy shit Anna! Why didn’t you tell me!” I fussed, she simply shrugged, “You had bigger fish to fry.”

I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at her, “Whoa less of the death glares please!” she begged dropping the end on her cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. I laughed and leaned back against the railing. “What are your plans for the night?”

“Dinner with Louis… and his mum,” I told her reluctantly. “You’re what? Holy shit is this serious? Like you’re not just screwing him?” she asked me as she zipped up her jacket.

I nodded, “Whoa, fair fucks to you, I couldn’t do it,”

“You hate meeting the parents though,” I reminded, “Yeah whatever,” she said and we both started walking towards my car.

“Wait how did you get here?” I asked, “Some guy called Paul said he’d drop me,” she said and got into the passenger seat. “Paul dropped you?” I asked with a laugh as I closed my own door and put my keys in the ignition. “Yeah he’s a really funny guy,” she told me. “Is that your phone ringing?” she asked, then I could hear the very faint sounds of Applause by Lady Gaga. “Shit,” I cursed and pulled it out of my pocket.

“Hello?” I asked not having time to check the caller ID. “I thought you were ignoring me there for a moment,”

“Niall?” I asked confused, “The one and only! Louis’ phone is after dying and he’s running late from pants shopping,” Niall told me, “Pants shopping?”

“Don’t ask. Anyway, he wanted me to tell you to meet him at the house at 6:30,” Niall told me, “Oh are you his secretary now?” I asked laughing. “Oh whatever!” Niall laughed and hung up the phone.

“What was all that about?” Anna asked as I turned the key in the ignition and put the car into drive. “Niall telling me my plans for tonight,” I told her. “Are you heading home or coming back to the house?” I asked slowing to a pause at the exit of the car park of Modest HQ. “Bitch I’m coming home with you!”


“Have you met Louis’ mum yet?” Anna asked as she sprawled herself out on my bed eating a tub of Pringles. “Johanna? No not yet,” I told her as I put on my mascara. “You nervous, I’d be shitting bricks, what if she hates you,” Anna said. I slowly spun around and looked at her, “They’re all possibilities June,” Anna reminded me. “I know,” I said, I sounded well defeated.

“Ah don’t worry, you’ll nail it,”

“Nail what?” I asked confused, “I don’t know! Whatever you’re trying to nail. Actually speaking on nailing…” she trailed off. I just stared at her. “I’m curious,” she explained. “No we didn’t,” I told her and rummaged through my make-up bag for my lipstick. “What why?!” she demanded.

“Oh because we really have the time to break some beds,” I told her with an eye-roll. “Oh yeah, I forget that that only happened last week, it’s all a bit weird isn’t it?” Anna asked rhetorically, “You can say that again,” I told her.

“Knock knock,” a voice called before the door to the room I was currently in was pushed open. Louis was there leaning up against the door frame, “June…” he lengthened my name, I looked at him, “Can you do my hair?” he asked. That was when Anna absolutely burst out laughing, she did her really unattractive snort as well. “Nice to see you again Anna, always charming,” he greeted and walked into the room.

Anna on the other hand could not stop laughing, “She’ll stop in her own time, come here take a seat,” I said and got up from the desk chair. “Where are we going for dinner?” I asked as I ran my hands through his hair, “A really nice French restaurant that mum absolutely adores,” Louis told him, Anna was somehow still laughing. I couldn’t help another eye roll.

“Is it weird that I’m like ridiculously nervous?” I asked picking up the hairbrush from my desk and brushed through his hair. “You shouldn’t be,” he told me. “Actually were you on twitter at all today?” he asked. “No I had that stupid tribunal, why?”

“You’re the hot topic of conversation,” Louis explained. “For what?” Anna joined in, “What she’s going to wear at the VMAs,” Louis laughed. “No fucking way are you going to the VMAs June!” Anna almost chocked. “Yeah Anna, I’m almost convinced I already told you,” I told he and started putting gel into Louis’ hair.

“I’m calling bullshit, I would have remembered if you said you were going to the VMAs,” Anna protested. “Okay okay sorry,” I laughed. “Here it’s 7:00, weren’t you guys meant to leave ages ago?” Anna asked leisurely, “Shit she’s right,” Louis said jumping up from the chair. “Aren’t you glad I’m ready to go Boo,” I laughed. “Go have fun!” Anna called as Louis and I left the room.

“She’s planning on staying there isn’t she?” Louis asked taking my hands in his. “Oh of course,” I told him with a massive grin.



“Oh it’s so good not having to get a flight at stupid o clock,” I grinned as I placed my case on the weighing scales and handed my passport to the woman behind the desk. “You can say that again,” Harry agreed as he pushed down the handle of his case. To say last night was unexpected would be an understatement.

Dinner with Louis and Johanna was nothing like what I had prepared for. Johanna seemed more like a sister than a mother to Louis. Now in any other circumstances that would have been pretty creepy, but not with Jay. She was funny, polite and so so so kind. We ended up losing all track of time, Louis and I didn’t return to the house until 2:30am. But neither of us were complaining, we didn’t have a ridiculous time to wake up and we both knew that we would probably sleep on the plane.

“Have a good flight ma’am,” the woman smiled at me as she put my boarding card inside my passport and then handed the two to me. “Thank you,” I smiled and put my passport into the front pocket of my bag. It was 10:00am and I was surprisingly in a great mood. Louis, Niall and Hannah had already had they bags tagged and boarding cards given to them. The trio were standing just before the security check chatting.

“I’d love some chicken wings,” I said as I joined their little group. “Now that is such a good idea” Niall agreed. “Yer scarily alike,” Hannah commented looking between Niall and I. “But I do have to agree, I’m starving and could do with any type of food at this case. “I’ll go let the others know that we’re going to carry on,” Louis told us and jogged over to harry who was openly flirting with Sian.

It was way too adorable that even though those two were together for like ages! (I don’t actually know how long come to think of it…) they still did the whole flirting thing! “Are you excited for the VMAs June?” Hannah asked with a big grin on her face. “I don’t really know what to expect, like at the last awards show I ended up flashing my backside to everyone, so I wonder what I’ll do to embarrass myself this time!” I laughed. Hannah and Niall laughed too, “There’ll never be a dull day with you around anyway,” Niall told me.

“That’s because I’m fabulous!” I told them. “Now that’s something I haven’t heard in a while,” Niall said with a little gasp, “What? That I’m fabulous?” I questioned, both Hannah and Niall nodded. “Hmm I guess that’s going to change,” I told them and then pulled a smirk.

“Sian Baxter! There is no way you’re getting on that plane!” a deep voice rang out through the whole terminal, grabbing everyone’s attention. I spun around to witness a scene I was never ever going to forget.



Hey you guys, I'm so tremendously sorry about this alte update, I could write pages and pages on why I haven't updated, but I won't waste your time. It was mainly because of Uni. But jano what I have a part up now and that's the main thing.

Over there ----> that's Sian :D

Oh and to the girl in Cork that was reading Black Velvet on the 205 train to CIT, I was sitting next to you :D I felt very special that people over here are reading my story. Thank you!

~Leanne xoxo

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