Chapter 12

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🌹 Lisa's P.O.V.🌹

I quickly cross my arms on my chest and say:

-Matt, can you help me to go to Brad's bedroom without being seen for anybody?

He looks around to think and says:


And he tells me a small plan. I go to his piggyback and he goes to the backdoor of the house, where we expected to do not find anyone, but we were wrong. In the corner, I see two people hugged. I try to recognize them and wait!! No no no no! That is not Sam and that is not Ella, right? Am I... wrong or right?

I quickly hide my face behind Matt's back. I cannot do anything because I don't want them to know what happened, but I will do something.

-Do you know where is Lisa?-I hear Sam asking Ella.

-I don't see her since she went to Brad's bedroom to talk about the science project, so maybe she's still there...-She replies.

-Okay then. Do you wanna go outside?

-Sure. But let's be careful...

And I can't hear anything more because Matt continued going up the stairs.

I lift up my head, once they can't see me now. Matt opens one door, which I remember that is from Brad's bedroom, and we see two people on the bed, almost naked, and kissing very hard. We all stop, and the boy looks at us. Oh, it's not the boy. It's Brad. And the girl is not Kelly. Because I know that she seems like her sister. And they are blond. The girl is Riley, who asked me "Truth or Dare".

-C'mon bro are you serious?-Brad asks, angry and embarassed. Then he realizes that I'm on Matt's piggyback and we are wet and smirks.- Sorry but the room is busy. Once you're wet, you could do it in the pool, don't you think so?

-Shut up Brad! We just fell in the pool and wanted to borrow you a T-shirt. Can you lend us a T-shirt bro?-Matt asks.

-Fine. But hurry up.-Brad says and then whispers to Riley- Let's continue our work babe.

And she laughs. It's a weird laugh. Like a baby. Oooh!! Riley and Brad are drunk! I can't believe that he is cheating on Kelly cuz he's drunk!

While Matt takes some T-shirts, I stare at Brad, really angry, and we are passing through the door I say loudly:

-Matt, Kelly is Sophie's sister, isn't she?-But it seems that Brad didn't hear me.

Me and Matt go to Brad's parents' bedroom, that is empty and closes the door. Matt gives me a blue T-shirt and dresses an orange one. I dress my T-shirt, but after a few minutes, once my bra is wet, the T-shirt gets a wet shape of my bra. Great. Oh, me and Matt met today only and he has seen almost of my boobs. Awesome. Pff...

Matt looks at me and realizes that I'm hum wet, and asks, worried:

-Do you want my jacket?

-Humm... there's no need for that, I'm okay.

-Take it- He gives me the jacket and I dress it.

-Thanks.-I stare at him.

He thinks a bit and opens a window, where I see a balcony.

-Do you wanna come here? It's a nice place.-He says.

-Okay.-We go there.-Why did you wanted me to meet with you in the pool?

-Just because I wanted to talk with you. To know you better.

We are watching the people next to the pool. Sam and Ella are not there.

-Oh. I also want to know you better.

He smiles at me.

-How could you act normal about Brad? He was cheating on Kelly! And she doesn't deserve that!-I say, angrily.

-Oh... Lisa you are so... I don't know... ah... you're so... honest and true.- Matt says.- Look, Brad wants to break up with Kelly for a few weeks and he was drunk, like Riley, and... for Riley what matters is the... "fun".

-Ooh. But... that is not correct!!

He puts an arm around me and approaches us.

-I obligate him to break up with Kelly or I will tell her that he cheated on her. Okay? You get happier?

I look at him and smile.

-Yes. Thank you Matt! People who cheat on are so stupid! But Brad is forgiven. I know he was drunk.

And I hug him. I hug Matt.




Love you all 💘

Purple Dreams 💋

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