Chapter 10

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🌹Lisa's P.O.V.🌹

-Of course!-I reply. Matt is also very friendly, I think I can trust him.

-See ya' -He smiles and closes the door.

-Humm you get along very well with Matt...-Brad says, suspicious.

-Come on, we just knew each other today! And he seems to be a good friend. He is, isn't he?

-Yes, he is. I know him for loads of years. Hum hum, did you pay attention to this sentece? It had a second intention... I mean, you know Ella for a long time, right? You know what does every reaction means?

-Yeah, almost... Wait!! NO! Brad what the fuck.- I start blushing.

Is he saying that... Matt... and... I? No no no. I have no love life. Although, I'm feeling heat in mt cheeks... But it always happens when someone says I'm in love. That's normal... I guess...

-I think it's better to ask Ella what does this reaction mean, don't you think so? And do you remember when we talked on the phone and Ella said that you were in love with me? I knew she was kidding. But your reaction was totally dif... -He provocates me.

-No! No! Absolutely not!! Brad, I want you to know something.- I interrupt him.

-So tell me. I won't say anything to Matt until you do.


-Go on. I know what you're going to say, but I want to hear it from your mouth.

-Humm...Okay. I have no love life.

-Awwwn!! Wait what? You don't have love life? No no and no Lisa!

-Yes yes and yes Brad!

-No, we both know you love Matt.

-WHAT?! Brad are you crazy? You have temperature, I bet- I put my hand on his forehead -It's too hot, maybe you should ho to the hosp...

-See!?! You're in love with him!! You're trying to change the topic of this conversation! - He makes a happy face, interrupting me.



-No! At all!

-Let's see it!

-No, let's divide our work.

-Humm okay.

We divided the work. I had to do the types of eruptions. Easy. After that, we talked a bit. Brad can be popular at school but he's a nice person. Just like Matt. He said that he thinks I'm a great person. Whatever. But I am start thinking that we can be really good friends. I don't have a boy best friend... But I don't want to be very very popular at school. Mostly, it only brings problems and is nothing to our future.

-Well, I have to go to the swimming pool, okay?-I say, getting up from the chair.

-Oh. Hum hum... Have a good mini date.- He smiks.

I make an angry face and say:

-Have a fun night with your girlfriend.- Now it's my turn to smirk.

-I'll take care of that.

We laugh.

-Tell me, who is your girlfriend? -I ask.

-Oh, it's Kelly. She has your brother's age, maybe he knows her.


-Her sister is Sophie, do you know her?

-I think so... Yes, I know her... She's in my chemistry class. Humm no comments about her.

-I agree! Hum hum.

-Yeah. Oh! Look at this: my brother knows your girlfriend and I know your girlfriend's sister!

-Ahaha!! Brother knows sister and sister knows sister ah?

We laugh again and go out of his bedroom. He goes somewhere and I go towards the pool, where I see Matt standing alone, at 1 foot of distance of the pool, looking at me.

-Hey Matt!

-Hey Lisa!-He smiles.-So, what will you do to your sci...

He didn't complete the phrase because I stumbled on a degree and fell on him. It ended like this: me with my knees and hands on the floor and Matt into the pool.


Okay guys, sorry, I haven't been with time to write, neither imagination!!

I'll to update faster the next chapter, so you guys don't need to wait lots of time again.

Love you all 💘

Purple Dreams💋

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