Chapter 7

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🌹Lisa's P.O.V.🌹

-Nothing. I mean: I was thinking if I could sleep here, so I would call my mother, but I was going to be alone at home, so it doesn't matter. Wait, can I sleep here?-Ella asks. she wasn't thinking in that, I bet.

-Sure!! Now it's time to go to bed. My mom is almost to get home.


We did all we needed to do and went to sleep.


The next day, we got ready, had breakfast and that things and decided to go to school on foot. Ella, Sam and I.

🌹Ella's P.O.V.🌹
(When Lisa and Ella got out of her room)

Lisa and I were opening the door of Lisa's bedroom while Sam was passing throw the door from the bathroom when we see each other. Once I was behind Lisa, I gave Sam a discret smile and say, looking as normal as possible:

-Good morning Sam!

-Good morning Liz! Good morning Be...Ella!!-He says. He didn't mean it, it was a mistake. Almost calling me Bella in front of Lisa!! Oh my...

Lisa stops to stare at me and Sam:

-What were you calling Ella?-she asks, mistrustful.

-Ella, but I was thinking in...Beatrice. I like that name. And I know a beautiful girl that is called Beatrice. We dated last month.

Immediately, I felt very furious about what Sam said and decided to ignore him. Of course that he doesn't love me. He has so many girls better than me, why would I be his choice? I don't know how could I be so stupid!!!

I run out of there to the bathroom and lock myself. I start to cry.
Ella did you believe that he loved you? What a stupid person that you are!! You can never find out what's true and what's false. Ass hole.
But it sound so true...
That's what I said. You believe in everything!!

My argument with my subconscient was interrupted by a soft voice:

-Ella, are you there?

It's Sam.

(I ignore)

-Ella are you okay?

-Now you care about it, uh?-I say angrily.- Go away Sam. I was stupid. Forget everything that happened.

-Ella you are kidding aren't you?

-No!! Just...go get your Beatrice back!!!

-No... Ella you didn't get it, did you? I wasn't talking serious!! Did you really wanted me to tell Lisa everything that happened and why I was calling you Bella?!-Now it's his time to be kinda angry.

-Is it true?- I ask, with sensibility.-Oh my God Sam, I'm so sorry!!

I unlock and open the door and see that he looks at me and gives me a huge smile, while hugging me and taking me off the ground.

-Sorry babe, I was just too happy, and I didn't think right when you said that about Beatrice... Sorry, I was jealous... -I say and laugh.

-That's okay, Bella- He says looking at me.

We keep staring at each other when Lisa calls us:

-Hey!! Sam! Ella! Do you wanna go down the stairs and have breakfast on time? Cuz like that we're going to miss school!!

Me and Sam were still hugging each other when Lisa said that.

-Maybe it's better to go!!-Sam whispers.

-I agree.

And we kiss. A small kiss with no noise, but a good kiss. I want to have lots of kisses from Sam...

You are very sick Ella!
Yes I am! It's called "love", it's Sam's fault and I love it!!
I know you do. By the way, I am you!! And it is really goooood...

We separate from each other and go down the stairs, separated too. I went first.

We had breakfast and decided to go on foot to school. We still had a lot of time.


Now it seems that everything is fine😀

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Purple Dreams💋

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