Yes you may

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"Mayor I've been invited to join a guild and wanted to ask if that's alright?"

"Yes you may"

"Oh thank you "


Natsu's POV 

"So Siren ho... Where's Happy Gray?"

"You wanted the job so bad that you left him there."


"Hey guys, he said yes" (Y/N) said.

"To what?"

"For me being able to join your guild!"

"That's great do you want to leave now?"

"Sure that's great I just have to pack some stuff"

"Alright meet us at the train station"


7 hours later 


"Finally back home. I forgot about the reward!" I yelled.

"You idiot how do you forget about that!" Gray yells.

"Ahahahahaha the mayor never sent out the request I did and I have your reward right here" (Y/N) said handing Gray 75,000 and me 50,000 jewel.

"Why does Gray get more and what about the 25,000 per monster killed?" I question 

"Did you even read the request it said 50,000 jewel to everyone who comes and 25,000 per monster killed by a person. Since Gray killed a monster he gets 25,000 jewel more." She explained.

"I get it but how do you have so much money?"

"Well when you get requests from local towns you get a lot of money. Plus I don't have to pay rent so I only use it for clothes and food."

"You weren't kidding when you said they gave you the house as long as you fight the monsters." Said Gray.

"Nope now come on I want to meet everyone" she said in a cute little voice.

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