Chapter Ten: December

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After those last days of November were over, snow was more visible to appear than before. The snow came down in sheets. Covering Konoha with a big blanket of snow. I wish I could watch every single minute of it. But I needed to eat and sleep and train. I don't want to go outside much, except when I want to eat ramen. That's the only big reason why. For now, because of the weather, dad is able to stay home and spend some extra special time with mom! Speaking of my dad, the smiley strong guy walks over to me.

"Naruto, can you spend some time with your girlfriend?" He asks as I look at him in confusion. "Eh? And why!" I say as dad smiles. "Mommy and daddy need to spend some alone time." He says as I blink and sigh. "Fine, Fine, ewwwww by the way, and okay I shall see ya later dad." I say as I leave the house wearing my old scarf and an orange and brown sweater and I head walking to go meet up with Hinata.'s so cold that I just want a bowl of steaming hot delicious Ichiraku ramen.

I shiver as I walk up to the stairs of Hinata's house and knock on the door. I hope meanie pops doesn't answer the door. Oh good, Hinata's sweet mom answered the door. "Well if it isn't, Naruto Uzumaki!" She smiles as I run a hand up my hair. "Ummm, is Hinata home, Mrs. Hyuga?" I ask. She smiles as she sighs sadly. "I am sorry to inform you, Naruto but Hinata left a little while ago!" She smiles brightly. I nod and smile. "Well thank you! I'll see you around, Mrs. Hyuga!" I grin as I then dash off.

The clumpy snow covers my shoes as I try to shrug it off and stomp through the soft yet cold snow. I sigh as I can't even spot Hinata's chakra. I hear grunts coming from the training grounds. My ears jump in attention as I sigh, knowing that I have to listen to my ears. Wait. Me listening to my own ears?! That's just crazy! And not to mention flat out weird. I sigh as I shake that weird thought out of my head and clutch the metal rims of the gates to the training grounds as I look through.

I see Sakura and that weird gambling lady Tsunade fight each other. Tsunade is really strong and she is one of the Sannin. Plus, she has big boobs! I giggle as I see the two fight more and I get a thought in my head, is Tsunade training Sakura?! But Sakura is already so strong, and man, it's crazy, she'll just get more stronger and beat me up and punch me! "N-Naruto..." A soft voice is heard as I turn around and I smile and jump forward. "Hinata!" I can feel her really close, and I realize, I'm hugging her.

I pull away as I show a smile to her as she smiles as well. "I was looking all over for you, dattebayo." I say as she blinks before fully turning pink. "O-Oh...y-you w-were lo-looking for me-me?" Hinata reddens in embarrassment as I nod. "I-I'm sorry I made you worry Naruto," Hinata says softly as I shake my head. "You didn't make me worry, it's just that I wanted to see you, ya know? So maybe we can always see each other constantly instead of always looking for each other." I laugh.

She smiles and nods in agreement as she snuggles close to her scarf that mom gave her. "So, what do you want to do?" I ask her as she smiles a bit and opens her mouth. "I want to build a snowman!" She says happily as I blink and nod. "Wow! I haven't done that in a while Hinata! Yeah, we should definitely do that!" I smile as I giggle, patting her head. We both trot to the part of the park where we both met and grab clumps of sparkly snow. Is it so shiny because it's made out of glitter?!

Never mind that. I crouch down as I roll the small snowball into the body of the snowman. I look up as I see Hinata grabbing stuff from the floor. Oh no, she better not be grabbing yellow snow! One time, Kiba told me that the yellow snow was made out of lemonade, and I almost licked it, before Sakura smacked me and told me that it was dog pee! Gross! I roll it until it gets bigger and bigger, it becomes lumpy and hard as I pant and finally make it sit as a giant snow ball.

"Hey Hinata! Look!" I grin as her beautiful pearlie eyes look at me as she smiles, putting the stuff down on the ground. "That's great Naruto! I'll make the head!" Hinata says softly as she then picks up a snowball and begins to roll it. Hey, now that I think about it, she hasn't stuttered! Whoa! That's really weird! "Hey Hinata, how come you haven't fainted or stuttered? You use to do that all the time around me!" I ask as I look around for some sticks. Hinata blinks as she sheepishly smiles. "U-Umm...well...I...Uh..." She speaks.

I blink as I stare at her, waiting for an answer, only to see her turn as red as a cherry! Oh cherry tomatoes! "I guess...I stopped doing that because you're my boyfriend, Naruto!" Hinata smiles as she closes her eyes, making a happy face. I blink as I close my eyes and make a happy face too. "Gee, now I know! Since you're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend, you're no longer shy and fainty around me!" I smile as she blushes, rolling the snowman's head over to the body as she places it on the fat body.

I grin as I show her the sticks as she smiles too, putting two small black rocks on his face, oh wow! It's his eyes! Hinata smiles as she pulls out a box of chocolate from her pocket, and I realize it's one of the cone chocolates! Instead of using a funky orange carrot for a nose, she's using a chocolate cone! I giggle as I pull a noodle out from my pocket and shape it as a smile. Hinata blinks in curiosity as she grins too. "Wow!" She exclaims as I take off my old scarf and wrap it around his neck.

I hand Hinata a perfect long stick as I hold my own. "Ready Hinata? On one, two, three!" We stick the sticks on each side, so that the arms are perfect! Hinata and I stand upfront the snowman. "What should we call him, Naruto?" She asks as I giggle and pat her softly. "Noodles the NaruHina snowman!" I say hugging her as she reddens and hugs back. "You really think that's a good name?" Hinata asks as a happy smile appears on her face as I nod. "Yes Hinata! Noodles the NaruHina snowman is our perfect snowman!"

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