Chapter One: The Bet

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My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I will become hokage one day, so believe it! I have a crush on Sakura Haruno a really hot pink haired girl with beautiful bright kiwi eyes and light smooth radiant skin. She always wears red or pink or even black, which looks great on her! But she likes my best friend Sasuke Uchiha, and he shows no interest! Wait, he doesn't show any interest in any girls at all! It's weird when you think about it. He's supposedly the handsome and hot guy that every girl wants and squeals and faints over.

But I know someone just like that, and her name is Hinata Hyuga. She's a pale girl that has long lavender hair cut in perfect strands of perfection, and she has light creamy pearl-like eyes. She likes to wear all shades of purple and sometimes blue. She's a weirdo because even though I say only one word to her, she ends up fainting, and that's just crazy! I don't get why she can't even say a word to me! Is it because I'm ugly, or is it because I have ramen all over my face, I don't even know now.

Speaking of ramen, there was a ramen contest held by the Ichiraku ramen guy, which means that the winner wins a lifetime supply of ramen! And I'm gonna be the person that shall win! I'm gonna win all that ramen, believe it, since I'm the ramen king of Konoha! No one loves ramen as much as me, I know that for a fact, because once I invited my friends to eat ramen with me, they always groan in disgust and want to eat something way "better" or different. I don't see what's bad about ramen, it's delicious and the best!

Here I am, standing outside with a crowd of random brunette people and some of my friends behind Ichiraku. The contest is gonna start soon, and I can't wait! As long as it's an all-you-can-eat-ramen contest, I am so gonna win it! I jump up and down in excitement. "I can't wait for this dattebayo!" I say all giddy. "What a bother. Naruto, calm down." Shikamaru sighs. "How can I calm down when this is like, the best day ever!" I chuckle. "Well, Naruto, I'm sure you'll do great!" Sakura smiles as her eyes look into mine.

"You really think so, Sakura!" I smile as I admire her beauty. She nods as she smiles. "I don't know anyone who loves ramen as much as you do." Sakura smiles as I run a hand through my cheesy blond hair. "Sounds like someone still loves the pink hottie." Mutters a voice behind me. "SAI WAS THAT YOU?!" I growl. "No Naruto, it was me." Kiba says looking at me. "Oh hey, Kiba, you gonna watch me win?" I say grinning at Kiba, the dog boy. "I don't think so." Kiba replies as a sharp teeth shows. Oh no!

"You're not thinking about entering the contest are you?!" I gasp. Kiba smiles. "I may not like ramen as much as you do, but a free forever supply of ramen is a great deal. So whenever my mom is lazy and doesn't want to make food, I can always stop for ramen, and don't have to pay for it." Kiba chuckles. "Ha! Besides having a dream of being Hokage, which I have already surpassed you at, next I'm gonna win this contest!!! You don't have a chance!" I smirk as I pull out chopsticks instead of a kunai in battle.

"Believe it!" I scowl as the ramen guy pops up. "Let the contest begin!" There's a bunch of tables sprawled around as volunteers sit with bowls of ramen sitting there. I gasp. Oh no! This isn't an all-you-can-eat ramen contest! It's a tasting contest! I gasp as I see Sakura sit across from Kakashi as she smiles at him and then he blindfolds her and smiles behind his mask as he is ready to let her do the contest. Awww! I'm not good at the flavors! I've eaten so many ramen bowls that I probably can't tell which flavor is which!

"N-Naruto?" A voice comes from a behind a tree. "Eh?" I look in confusion as I approach the tree and turn to face the back of it. There she stands, Hinata. "Oh, hey Hinata! Are you here to join the contest?" I ask smiling a bit. " came here to r-root for you, you'll do great Naruto!" Hinata smiles as she twittles her fingers. "Gee, thanks Hinata! I needed that!" I smile softly. She turns red as her arms shift. What does she want, a hug in reward? I pat her head.

She turns a dark red as I look in confusion. "Hinata, are you okay?" I ask. "Y-Y-Y-Yes N-Na-Nar-Naruto I'm just a bit too happy." Hinata says smiling as she takes a seat off to the side of the sidewalk. I smile as I head to the table I'm assigned to and smile at who I see. "Iruka-Sensei!" I say as a smile appears. "Oh, Naruto! I had a feeling that you were doing this contest!" Iruka-Sensei smiles as he hands me the blindfold. "Eh? I thought you were gonna blindfold me!"

"Oh no, we don't have to." Iruka says as I cringe. "Wait! Then why did Kakashi-Sensei blindfold Sakura?!" I say as I look at the ramen bowls. Iruka turns to see Kakashi-Sensei giving spoonfuls of ramen to Sakura as she reddens. Iruka's eyes widen as he turns to me. "Just put the blindfold on and we can start this ramen contest!" Iruka says as he picks up chopsticks. I nod as I slip it on and wait. "Okay Naruto, this one is your first ramen bowl," Iruka says as I get a mouthful. "Hmmmm...Oh is it pork?!" I say smiling.

"No, nice guess though. Next one." Iruka says. I take a bite as I try to think. Shrimp? Beef? TUNA! "It's..SHRIMP!" I say. I only got that one right so far. But now I am waiting to hear the winner. "So we'll announce the third place winner, Sasuke Uchiha who wins forty five tickets for free ramen!" Sasuke sighs from behind me as he accepts the tickets. Awww man! "Second place is Sakura Haruno, who wins a collection of jewels rare in the Hidden Leaf Village!" Sakura squeaks as she accepts them gladly. "And first place..."

Oh please. Please. IT HAS TO BE ME! NARUTO UZUMAKI HAS TO WIN! I cross my fingers as I tremble in excitement! It has to be me! It has to be!!! " The man grabs the paper as he reads it. "Kiba Inuzuka!" WHAT! KIBA WON?! NOT ME! I collapse to the ground and dramatically scream it all away. Suddenly, Kiba walks over. "Yo Naruto, do you really want that lifetime supply?" I quickly spring up and jump up and down. "Yes!" Kiba smugly smirks. "Don't make me give up my dream of becoming hokage!" I growl as I glare.

"No. I want you to be Hinata's boyfriend for a year." My eyes widen. I have to date her for a whole year?! "What?!" I can't believe it. "She likes you Naruto. So I want you to date her for a year, and you can have my lifetime supply of ramen." Kiba smiles. I think it over. "Okay deal!" I run off as I get his supply of ramen. "Wait Naruto, there's more to..." but Kiba's voice is faint and far away, and now everything else is too. A smile appears on my face as I jump. It's a deal!

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