Chapter 8: The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club

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The beach...we were at the beach. It was a lovely day, nice and sunny. The waves lapped at the shore. It was truly beautiful, it really was.
Hang on, I'm getting ahead of myself. Before all this...well, let's just dive right into that, shall we?

I was in the room of the host club, as pure usual, along with all the other members. Again, completely normal. Then...well, then the suggestion from last chapter came up. The host club...going to the beach.
I mean, it wasn't a bad idea, not a bad one at all, I suppose. Anyway, focusing more on the actual present here.
"The beach?" Haruhi questions, to which the twins lean in with a happy look on their faces.
"Of course! The beach!" They exclaim.
"But why?" Haruhi retorts calmly.
"Don't you remember when you said-" Hikaru starts.
"You said you'd like to go to a real beach." Kaoru finishes, then gestures to me, who's standing near by. "She said she would too, as long as her foot healed." Kaoru adds.
             Ah, right. My glass embedded foot. Luckily, since we cleaned it so soon, it doesn't have any infections and it has stopped bleeding. However, there are scars on my foot, so it would feel odd if they were to be revealed.
                "Did (Y/N) and I say that?" Haruhi questions, to which I nod.
             "Yes, Haruhi." They reply before going in front of stands of bathing suits. "This is the fun part." The twins add.
           "We've got some swimsuits for you both to choose from." Kaoru explains, one of the swimsuits standing front and center. Based on how fashion works, this one was meant for Haruhi.
             It a light pink bikini, with ruffles on top. Ah, I see what the twins mean. They probably want to hide the fact she is flat chested with the ruffles, and- You know what, I think my point has been proven.
             "Pretty cute, don't you think? Also, (Y/N)...we haven't looked at any for you, but we'll figure it out." Hikaru says.
"Not that one! I think that this one would look much cuter on Haru-Chan!" Honey exclaims, holding up a one-piece bathing suit with a skirt at the bottom.
"I don't think you get it, Honey-Senpai." The twins say, picking up Haruhi.
"Just look. This uniform barely hides the fact that Haruhi is as flat as a cutting board." Hikaru explains.
"A one-piece suit like that would only upset her, because it draws attention to her lacking feminine physique." Kaoru adds.
"That's why we carefully selected this two-piece suit, see? The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat-chested." The twins finish in unison. Then...the boss.
"You punks have better quit sexually harassing my little girls! I've had enough of you!" Tamaki exclaims, to which I sweat-drop.
            "That means...we're not the beach?" Hikaru and Kaoru questions quietly and cutely. Tamaki lifts his baseball bat.
             "Who said we weren't going?"
Tamaki retorts calmly.
            "Really? So you want to go after all?" The twins say, getting excited. Aw...they were being so cute...
             "Can Usa-Chan come too?!" Honey questions.
             "I have no problem with that." Kyoya comments. I then hear Mori let out a him of agreement, staring at a suit with seashells for the top. Mori...likes seashells. I almost make myself burst out laughing, but I hold it in.
"Huh? We're really gonna go?!"
Haruhi questions, obviously quite surprised.
"Why not? Let's go to the beach." Tamaki replies.

"So, why'd we come to Okinawa?" The twins questions.
"Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here." Tamaki retorts.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Honey points out.
"Yeah." Mori agrees.
"But why couldn't we have gone to the Caribbean? Or even Fiji?" The twins question. Passports...that's why.
"Do you think commoners like (Y/N) and Haruhi have passports?" Kyoya retorts.
"Ah." The twins basically hum.
"You do realize we can hear what you're saying, right?" Haruh and I comment.
We all arrive at the beach, where it turns out we're on hosting duties. For me, it isn't hard, because none of the guys were allowed to come. Kyoya explained this to me, for he didn't want there to be perverts and such, so he told me to do what I wished.
I was happy about this, since there would be less guys to see me in a swimsuit. I went to change, putting on the swimsuit the twins picked for me. Why I listened to them, I'll never know.

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