Chapter 5: The Twins Fight

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            It was an ordinary day at the host club. Er, well, as normal as the host club could possibly be, anyways. I had finished up really fast, seeing as most of my usual clients had stuff to today. Mainly because they actually had a life.
              That's besides the point. Anyway, the twins were once again going to play the 'Which one is Hikaru game'? They had on those ugly green caps and everything. They had pulled that game on me so many times in 6th grade...
         It took me a whole year just to convince them I actually could tell them took so long for them to let me in... Then again, it's not like I took less time to let them in... I am trapped in my own world, too...
                As of now, only Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru have broken through and discovered what it is like. As for Hikaru and Kaoru, I'm the only to have broken through.
              "Let's all play the 'Which one is Hikaru?' Game!" The twins call out. The girls start giggling and clapping. "So, can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?" The twins question in unison.
             "Well, it's hard to say." A black-haired girl retorts dreamily.
             "You're identical." A brown-haired girl with two bows adds.
             "Many ladies have tried to tell us apart, but, so far, one has succeeded." The twins confirm. Their clients look at each, apparently amazed that someone was able to figure it out.
             "That's the dumbest game I've ever heard of." Haruhi announces as she walks by. I laugh a little, making Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru turn to me. 
             "Haruhi is right, to an extent at least." I agree.
            "What? Do the both of you have a problem with it? (Y/N), we expected better from you." The twins ask. I put my hands.
             "Not really, I just don't understand why the two of you are so popular." Haruhi replies. I raise an eyebrow.
             "That's not exactly what I meant." I say frantically, a blush/pale forming on my face.
             "That's not very nice." The twins reply in unison.
             "I'm disappointed." Hikaru announces.
             "Apparently, you don't understand the merits of having a pair of twins as members of the host club." Kaoru concludes. "I mean, at least (Y/N) gets it."
              "Listen up. Having a couple of good looking guys with homosexual tendencies earns the club high points. It also helps if the two struggle between their attraction and their friendship." Hikaru explains.
               "And, in our case, because we're twins our relationship is taboo, and therefore more intriguing." Kaoru continues.
            "And, besides, who hasn't fantasied about twins? Having two loves is better than one, don't you think?" Hikaru questions, holding a girl by the chin.
             "It's a young women's romantic fantasy." Kaoru adds. I roll my eyes.
           "Well, um, yeah, you're right." One girl stutters. The girls start to fangirl like crazy. I turn to Hikaru and Kaoru, Haruhi by my side.
              "Why would two loves be better than one? In all honesty, I'd rather have one. Just because two people look a like doesn't mean they're the same. They have their own personalities. This would cause complete chaos for someone to choose both, and not one." I reply.
             The twins simply blink, unable to register what I just said due to some minor 'circumstances'. Tamaki comes running, a laptop in hand and an angry look on his face.
            "Hikaru, Kaoru?!" Tamaki yells. They hum in response. "When I gave you control of the club's website, I did so on one condition. That you take it seriously!" Tamaki yells.
         "We take our job very seriously, boss." Hikaru replies simply.
          "In fact, last night we worked on it until dawn." Kaoru adds.
          "Is this what you worked so hard to create?!" Tamaki yells, pulling up a picture of a shirtless Haruhi. Her back was to the picture.
         He also pulled up a picture of me. I was only wearing a bra, and my coconuts were sticking out a lot... I slapped Hikaru and Kaoru upside the head, crossing my arms over my breasts.
           "You both look so great!" Honey compliments. My face turned crimson/white. I'm glad I didn't have customers today... The girls took the laptop, pulling up the picture of Haruhi.
            "Tell me when." Tamaki commands. The twins give out a confused 'huh?'. "When did you take naked pictures of Haruhi?!!! Oh, and (Y/N)!" Tamaki yells, obviously more concerned about Haruhi.
            "You bribed her-er, them, didn't you?" Tamaki panics.
            "You're imagining things." The twins say simply.
            "It's obvious that the photos have been altered." Kaoru states. Well, mine looks just like my actual body...
             "They were photoshopped?" Tamaki questions.
             "We did a pretty good job, huh?" Hikaru asks.
             "We've got some major Photoshopping talent." Kaoru brags.
             "You idiots! That's a waste of your skills, have you no shame?" Tamaki yells. "But if you're going to do it anyways, can you photoshop Haruhi into this idol photo book?"
              "Don't be ridiculous, boss. Why don't you just-" Hikaru starts.
             "Ask her if she'd wear an outfit like one of those?" Kaoru questions. I sweat drop, turning to the twins. I stand in front of them, sending them a death glare, Haruhi coming over and doing the same.
               "Now cut it out. No more making weird pictures of us, you got that? Just what do you guys take us for, anyway?" Haruhi and I say firmly in unison. The twins smirk. This was not good.
              "Isn't that obvious? You're our toys." Hikaru and Kaoru reply bluntly. I blink, my fists starting to ball up.
             "As we were saying, in order to entertain ones self in this other wise boring life," Hikaru begins.
             "One must find himself stimulating toys." Kaoru finishes.
             "We are not your toys, ok?" Haruhi confirms, anger and irritation laced through her voice. I sigh, sweat-dropping. A place a hand on Haruhi's shoulder, making her calm down.
              "You want a toy?" A deep voice asks. Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru, and I turn to face it. "Toys, toys. If you like toys then you should come and visit my black magic club." I see a guy, covered in black, say. Hikaru and Kaoru deadpan. "We've opened a market place that that boasts black-magic items from across the globe. We're also holding mass around the clock. If you visit right now, I'll even throw in a free curse doll. You could have belzazef as your free gift."
              "Why is he talking to us through a crack in the door?" Haruhi asks as I sweat-drop.
             "Wait a second, has that door always been there?" Hikaru and Kaoru question. I blink, I have never seen it...
             "Nekozowa-Senpai likes to hide. He doesn't really care for brightly lit places." Kyoya explains. I frown, eyeing Nekozowa suspiciously.
              "Don't get involved with that guy, Haruhi." Tamaki mumbles, making Haruhi and I jump. Of course, I jumped to my left, making me bump into Hikaru. Hikaru catches me by the forearms, turning me around to face him.
              His usual smirk played on his lips, my usual blush/pale dancing across my cheeks. I hear a couple incoherent mumblings from Tamaki about being cursed...whatever. Hikaru leans in close to my ear.
             "Are you ready to play, my dear toy?" Hikaru whispers, twirling a piece of my hair with his right hand while holding my forearm with the other. I bit back the tiniest gasp, biting my lip. My face became a darker/lifter shade of red/white.
         Hikaru is then pulled back, and shoved over towards Kaoru. Hikaru puts up both of his hands, a mischievous smirk on his lips as he walks back to Kaoru. I look up, seeing Mori. I give him a small smile.
             "T-thank y-you, M-Mori." I mumble quietly. Mori blinks.
              "No problem." He replies in his usual tone. I turn back to Haruhi and the rest of the host club, only to see them continue to argue. One thing I found intriguing was that Nekozowa actually came out of his club room...
"You shouldn't underestimate...the dark powers of Belzenef the curse doll. All you have to do is write the name of someone you hate on his back, then it's certain that person is to come face to face with, misfortune." Nekozowa explains.
         Out of nowhere, I notice Kaoru shine a light of Nekozowa. Making him scream and run back to his club room. Well that was kind of rude. Hikaru and Kaoru look to each other, shrugging.
"How on Earth could you do such a thing? Obviously, the two of you don't know the true terror of black magic!" Tamaki freaks. Hikaru and Kaoru ignore him, sitting by the window.
"Ugh, I am so bored." Hikaru complains.
"Isn't there anything fun we could do around here?" Kaoru questions.
"My dignity as the club's leader, is being ignored..." Tamaki whines in his emo corner. Haruhi and I swear-drop.
"Hey, Haruhi, (Y/N), we've got a favor to ask the both of you." Hikaru and Kaoru announce in unison. I blink, looking over to them.
"What is it?" Haruhi and I ask in unison. The twins raise their hands up. Wait, why?
"The next time we get a day off-" Hikaru starts.
"Can we come over to one of your guy's place to hang out?" Kaoru asks. I blink, the question registering in my mind.
"Why would you want to do that?" Haruhi asks, taking the words right out of my mouth.
"We're curious, we want to see where you live." Hikaru and Kaoru reply. I hold a hand up to my chin.
"No way." Haruhi immediately responds. They turn to me.
" might not be the best idea, I mean my family is going to embarrass me to death, then there's the fact the two of you are just going to make fun of me since I'm a commoner...but, perhaps I could work it out. So, my answer is maybe." I reply hesitantly. The twins smirk at each other.
"We knew one of our toys would come through for us!" They exclaim, setting their arms on their shoulders. I growl quietly, shoving them off my shoulders.
"I said 'maybe'. If you two keep calling me your toy, then there's no way in hell I'd agree to this, got that?" I reply, an anger in my tone that no one ever gets to hear. The twins raise an eyebrow.
"We'll settle this with a game. (Y/N) will go first, then we'll have another round for Haruhi. Ok, (Y/N), if you don't guess which one of us is Hikaru, then your penalty is allowing us to continue to call you our toy." Hikaru and Kaoru say. I roll my eyes.
"Fine." I say with a sigh. They start to shuffle around. They finally stop, turning to me.
"Ok, so which one of us is Hikaru?" They question. I point to the twin on the left.
"You're Kaoru." I say. I then point to the twin on the right. "And you're Hikaru." I finish.
"Uh oh, you got it wrong!" The twins call out cheerfully. I roll my eyes.
"Hikaru, Kaoru, you two are making me irritated. Please, don't try to pull your shit on me." I say. The twins smile down at me.
"Oh, calm down (Y/N), you know we were only messing with you. Wait a minute...did you just curse?" They ask. I look up to them slightly and roll my eyes.
"Whoever said I couldn't?" I ask. They shrug. The twins turn around, redoing the process with Haruhi.
Unsurprisingly, Haruhi was able to tell them apart with ease. Once the twins realized she could, their faces turned serious. Wait...this meant another person was going to be let into their world...
I had slowly accepted Haruhi into my own last year, so it wasn't a big deal for me, but the twins are entirely different. It has been so long since they let someone long...out of nowhere, Kaoru breaks down laughing.
"I'm sorry Hikaru, I don't mean to laugh." Kaoru apologizes, his laugh starting to fill the room.
"Well, I don't see what's so funny. I'm honest, I speak my mind, and I don't hold back. It's sneaky people like Kaoru who are the troublemakers." Hikaru replies.
"Don't turn this on me, Hikaru. After all, I'm the one who's always going along with all your selfish games." Kaoru retorts.
"I may suggest them, but you're the one who really gets into them, Kaoru. If you hate it so much, then why don't you just stop?" Hikaru asks.
"Because I'd hate to see you make an ass of yourself in front of everyone. It was your idea to call Haruhi and (Y/N) our toys, but I noticed you were quick to make a pass at (Y/N). Admit it, Hikaru, you're actually in love with (Y/N), aren't you?" Kaoru replies.
I feel my face turn completely red/white. Alright, my suspicion has been confirmed. This isn't real. This is Hikaru and Kaoru...they wouldn't fight over something so stupid, nor would either be in love with me.
I may know it's pretend, but I'd like to see how the others react to this. Hikaru looks around, his face showing he's flustered. I notice something that no one else could, though. Hikaru gave Kaoru this look that seemed to mean 'that wasn't in the script!'
I'm probably wrong, though. I turn to look at the other hosts, who looked at the twins worriedly, but they didn't seem to care about Kaoru announcing Hikaru likes me. Hm...that's strange. Oh well.
"You've got it all wrong, Kaoru. Man, you're such a freaking idiot!" Hikaru yells. The two of them walk closer to each other. "Why would I fall for her? I mean, she looks so beautiful..." Hikaru says, trailing off at the end. He was staring at me, but Hikaru shook his head, snapping out of it. "Uh...I mean..." Hikaru stutters.
Luckily for him, Kaoru picked up the argument once more. They bickered back and forth.
"Cut it out already! You're the one who's always crawling into my bed, talk about annoying!" Hikaru yells.
"I only do that because you look lonely! I wouldn't choose to sleep in your bed, idiot!" Kaoru yells back while the clients start to fangirl.
"Who're you calling an idiot?! You're the one who sucks at math!" Hikaru argues.
"Oh yeah?! Well, you're failing your foreign language class, you big dummy!" Kaoru retorts. Ok, so when this whole scheme of theirs is over, I'm going to have to tutor them, aren't I? Heh, oh well.
"The way you grind your teeth is deafening!" Hikaru yells.
"At least I don't toss and turn so much I fall out of bed!" Kaoru retorts in a yell.
"Sex pixie!"
"You're mama wear to much makeup! That's it, we're over!" The twins yell in unison. The hosts stand there, shocked and annoyed looks on there faces. I stood a little ways away from them, a grin on my face. This is going to be an interesting week.

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