Chapter 17

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Leo Valdez POV

Percy and Annabeth had met us first. Both looked groggy. It seemed to be about five in the morning.

"So, Leo, this is your brother?" Percy asked me.

I glanced at Luke, who looked down at Percy and stretched out a hand. "Luke."

The son of Poseidon shook his hand and replied, "Percy."

"Where's Chiron?" I asked.

"In the Tent," said Annabeth.

At first I thought that there would be a lot of tents. And there were. But one tent was huge and definitely deserved a capital T.

We walked over sleeping campers and said hi to the ones awake.

I spotted familiar auburn hair and I ran to my girlfriend. "Sunshine!"

She turned around and smiled. I hugged Calypso.

"He-llo there," said Luke from behind me. "You must be Leo's girlfriend."

"Yes, I am," Calypso held out her small hand. Luke gingerly took it and kissed it, like in the movies with a bow and everything thing. "Enchante."

"Luke?" I heard Erik, my childhood best friend whom I recently discovered was a son of Athena.

Luke squinted and said, "Erik? Leo's friend from Ole San Antonio? Mechanic whiz?"


"Wow it's a small world," Luke remarked. "Now Let's talk to this sand-tar guy, Chiron." He told no one in particular.

"Centaur," I corrected him.

"Right whatever."

We were at the Tent in no time. It definitely looked smaller on the outside.  The inside looked scarily like the Big House. Weird.

We talked to Chiron who gave us permission as long as we took Percy, and Frank with us. Hazel and Annabeth stayed behind to work on tic tacs. Or was it tactics?

We hurried to the Empire State and finally found it. The Italian place was a rinky dinky joint, not yet open, but Luke kicked down the door for us.

"You know we could have just picked the lock," I rolled my eyes.

Percy shushed me. We all slowly went in.

I heard a thump. "Ow."

I looked behind me and Luke was rubbing his head. I snorted. He had hit his head on the doorway. Everyone else had fit through the just fine.

"Would it kill them to get proper doorways?" He said.

We all carefully made our way through.

Percy, who was leading this group, threw back his head and groaned. "Don't call me master! My name is Percy." He was whisper/talking.

I was confused for a bit but then I noticed a large aquarium with LED lights.

"Who are you talking to?" Luke asked softly.

I pointed to the aquarium for him. "The fish."

"He can talk to fish??"

Now Piper shushed us.

We were silent while Percy bent down to the level of the fish and conversed with them.

"Yeah." Pause. "That way?"
Pause. "Ugh. Ok fine. Thanks."

He stood up. "Brenda, the fish I talked to, said that they took a blond girl behind the bar and disappeared. And she also requested that I take them back to the sea... I'll take care of that later."

The Lost Brother (a Percy Jackson/HOO fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora