Chapter 3

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Here goes 3 out of five!This one might be the longest one. Feedback pleeeaassee

Leo Valdez POV


"C'mon Leo, let's go meet your new foster family." Susan the social worker said. She's the one in charge of my "case" and I've gotten to know her pretty well considering I've been in several different homes in the past 5 years. I'm 10 now by the way. I doubt this one will be any different.

I didn't say anything as I walked out of the car. I looked at the house—wait, mansion and I saw that it was actually very beautiful compared to the others I've been sent to. It had a perfectly trimmed lawn with green grass, plus a huge fountain in the middle. The mansion itself is like a cute version of the White House.

Susan started up the path and I followed, dragging my suitcase behind me. when we got to the front door, Susan rang the door bell. Soon after, a relatively short but well built Mexican woman opened the door. She smiled warmly at me.

"Hi, you must be Leo. I'm Carolina, but you can call me Caro or Mom if you feel comfortable with that." Carolina had a slight accent.

"Hi." I said.

"Well, I will get going now, Leo," Susan looked at me. "Please try to make this one work."

"Okaay, Bye Susan," And the social worker went on her way.

"Okay Leo. I know you've had a hard life. I know bad things have happened to you. But I just want you to know that I am here for you as a parent and as a friend if you ever need to talk or get something off your chest. You are not alone." She looked me straight in the eye with a face full of comfort.

I don't know what came over me. But I suddenly dropped my bag and hugged Carolina. A lump formed in my throat. She hugged back and held me for a bit.

When she pulled away, Caro looked at me and gently raised her hand to wipe away my stray tear. "Let's go inside and meet your siblings. My husband had to work today but he's coming for dinner."

"Okay... Mom."

She got my bag and went inside. I followed in. The entrance opened up to a huge living room with a giant couch smack in the middle. It was facing a flat screen TV. To the left of the couch, there was a staircase leading up.

"LUKE! LUCY!" Caro yelled out. Then I heard a loud pounding upstairs. A guy came down the stairs. He was the height of a 14 year old. He had blond hair that was all over the place with sky blue eyes.

"Hey! I'm Luke. You're Leo right?" He said. His voice was a little gruff.

"Yeah." I answered. Then I heard a totally different noise (more like a pitter patter) and I looked to the staircase to see a small girl who was the size of the average nine year old. She also had blue eyes but her blond hair was in a long side braid. She was also carrying a book that was the same thickness as her thigh.

"Hi! I'm Lucy!" She said warmly.

"Hi." I said.

"How old are you?" Luke asked.

"I'm 10. What about you guys?"

Lucy answered, "We're 11. But I'm five minutes older." She said with a proud expression on her face.

"Wait. You're both 11? So you guys are twins?!" My jaw dropped after I said this.

Luke laughed. "How old did you think we were?"

"I thought Lucy was 10 and you were 14."

Lucy started laughing. She had weirdest laugh I had ever heard in my life. At first, Lucy giggled sweetly but then she sounded like a dying cow with an asthma attack. I found it cute at first but then I just thought it was plain hilarious. Luke thought so too and soon all three of us were rolling on the floor. Caro just stood over us face palming. I hadn't laughed like that in a while.

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