Chapter 1

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Leo Valdez POV


After a few hours of flying on Festus from Ogygia, my legs were starting to cramp.

"Are we there yet?" Calypso asked for about the hundredth time. I smiled.

"Almost... Just a few more minutes" I answered.

Festus finally broke through the clouds. I could see vast strawberry fields and the cabins. Some of the satyrs and campers were playing volleyball but immediately stopped after seeing the huge metal dragon appeared in the sky. A crowd was forming around our anticipated landing spot. Festus flapped his wings and landed, creating a huge cloud of dust and dirt.

"LEO?" I heard some voices scream.

"Who's Leo?" A younger unfamiliar voice said.

The dust settled and suddenly I was looking straight at the faces of Piper, Jason, Annabeth, Percy, Frank, Hazel, and even Nico, who was looking happier than I've ever seen him. I don't know what that's all about but it's good to see him smiling for a change.

I was immediately thrown to the ground. It was a rush of kissing (on the cheek of course) and of hugging and tears. Not to mention the few well deserved punches that were thrown in there.

"Guys c'mon," I smiled at them. "I was only gone for about four hours."

They all stood up and stared at me. Hazel and Piper's hands snapped to their mouths. Percy looked at me grimly.

"Leo, the war ended a while ago. We haven't seen you in six months." Percy said solemnly. Six months. How much have I missed?

Jason pulled me aside and explained it to me. Percy and Annabeth were now engaged at 18 years (Percabeth!) A portal was made between the Greek and Roman camps for better transportation and communication. I felt really sad when he told me about the sleepless nights the rest of the seven had been through because they were looking for me.

"And that's pretty much it, I guess." Jason shrugged.

I looked back at Calypso, who was talking to the girls, Frank just watched them and smiled but Percy was looking down at his shoes. We walked over to them.

Percy nervously looked at all of our faces and his gaze landed on Calypso. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you there. I should have...." Percy trailed off.

"I forgive you but I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm so sorry I wished that curse upon Annabeth I should never have done that," Calypso looked for Annabeth's face and said, "I'm sorry."

"I forgive you, don't worry about it." Annabeth calmly smiled.

"So we're good?" Percy looked between the two girls.

Annabeth nodded.

"Yeah we're good." Calypso said.

A minute of awkward silence. I clapped my hands loudly breaking everyone out of their trance. "So who's hungry? Cause I haven't eaten since I died."

Then I saw their faces. Oops, sore subject. I grimaced.

"Sorry," I laughed weirdly. "Let's go!" And we all walked over to the pavilion.

That all happened two months ago.

Ok guys this whole fanfic might seem slow at first at times but it'll get good. Promise.


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