Chapter 4

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This one's pretty short, I guess. By my standards anyway.

Leo Valdez POV

Three of the seven shall quest once again.

To the land of independence and victory they will stand.

And there the long lost brother will find his kin.

They shall fight the enemy whose time is without end.

And with that Rachel Dare fainted into the arms of two campers who were there ready to catch her. An awkward pause enveloped the crowd. I could already tell this quest was for me.

"Would the seven of the prophecy please accompany me to the big house?" Chiron asked.


We argued a lot, until Chiron clopped in.

"Another quest?" Percy asked.

"Percy, it says three of the seven. It's probably not going to be us." Annabeth answered. She was right about that.

"Well then who is it going to be?" Frank asked. I bet he was also secretly hoping it wasn't his.

Chiron looked at me. "Leo? Do you know anything about a long lost brother?"

I slowly nodded. "It's me." The seven looked at me confusedly.

I told them everything they needed to know.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hazel asked.

"I didn't want to worry you guys but now I'm forced to. I don't want to make you guys go on another quest but are any of you up for it?" I asked looking around.

Piper and Jason looked at each other and made a silent agreement. "We want to go with you if you want, Leo." Piper said.

"Yes! Thanks guys!" I was relieved. Piper and Jason were my oldest friends and I wouldn't have chosen anyone else.

"I assume you know where you are going, Leo," Chiron said.

"Yep, San Antonio."


Hazel and Nico had agreed to shadow travel us to San Antonio (after a lot of coaxing.) They were pretty much just going to drop us off.

Nothing could prepare you for shadow travel. It's just... Well, unexplainable for me. Ask Nico if you want a description.

But we were there in a few seconds. I forced my eyes open. We were in a huge atrium with skylights at the top. There were signs dotted around the bottom like a food court. And that's when I realized we were in a mall. In San Antonio I'm guessing.

We got a few strange stares from onlookers but they shook their heads as if they were snapping out of a trance.

"Welcome to San Antonio." Nico said.

"We should go now, Nico." Hazel said. He nodded. "Good luck you guys." Hazel said and then they disappeared into the shadows.

I've been watching the book nerd problems on Youtube and THEY ARE HILARIOUS watch em.


The Lost Brother (a Percy Jackson/HOO fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt