Chapter 14

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Jason Grace POV
"So are those the only two options? Bow and arrows or sword?" asked Luke.

"Those are the two most common ones and the easiest to learn, but I have other choices too," said Argie.  He started rummaging around his worktables.

"No, I was just wondering." Luke looked at me.

"What do you think, Jason?"

I thought about it. Apollo kids seemed to have more of an affinity for bows and arrows from what I had seen.

"I think you should try a few things out and see what feels right." I said. Luke nodded.

Leo was looking at a bronze tinted chainsaw bigger than his torso. I really hoped that didn't work out.

Piper found a box of throwing knives. "Here, try these."

Luke took one from the box. I hadn't realized how big his hands really were until I saw the knife in his hands.

"That may be a little small. Let's see how you work with this," Argie said. He handed Luke a large double sided celestial bronze sword. It was longer than mine and Percy's by a landslide.

Luke did a few quick maneuvers.

"Who knew that fencing summer camp would be useful?" He murmured to himself.

I suppose since fencing is considered a sport, he must know the basics. I remembered Leo telling me about how he played every sport at his school but soccer and lacrosse.

"What about Lucy?" Piper asked.

"I believe that a bow and arrow would be good for her," said Argie, picking out an imperial gold bow. It was very long but slender and looked to be lightweight. It had intricate designs along the bow.

He chose a quiver with 40 gold arrows and handed it all to Luke.

"What if Lucy runs out of arrows?" Leo asked.

"Yes, that would be a problem... Ah I know just the thing." The cyclops rummaged around some more. "Aha!" He held up a bundle of thick . . . string?

No, not strings. A pair of whips like those of a lion tamer were being unrolled by Argie. They were a very faint gold color, more like silver. There were multiple tiny razors at the ends

"I have been waiting for ever to give these to someone. See, these whips can only properly be wielded by a very strong child of Apollo. And since you and your sister and 1/4 Titan, 1/2 god, and only 1/4 mortal, you are more powerful than most of the demigods who have ever lived.

"During battle, if the user is angry enough or has just the right amount of adrenaline, something very interesting happens. You will find out what it is when Lucy gets a chance to use them."

I couldn't imagine a girl like Lucy fighting with whips. Luke could somehow, for he gladly took the weapons and stuffed them in the quiver. He looked very menacing with the quiver strapped to his back and holding a sword in one hand and a bow in the other.

"Thank you so much for your help," Piper said.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't mention it." Argie waved it off.

We stood in silence for a minute.

"Well!" Leo said. "We have a plane to catch, let's get going!"

We followed Leo up the ladder and once we were all in Argie office, Luke thanked him.

"Nooooo problem. Good luck demigods." We said goodbye and walked out of his office, out of Walmart and went back to the jeep which Luke drove us here in.

"Shotgun!" Leo called out.

Lucy Mendoza POV

I was startled by the door slamming open. Seriously this was the second time today. The multiple bruises inflicted 3 hours ago were barely forming.

I didn't bleed, I rarely did. Come to think of it, neither Luke or I had ever gotten sick. I always thought we were just ridiculously lucky, but now I know the reason.

I shifted my sitting position so that I was leaning against the pole I was chained to. Dang those chains were heavy.

James Brooks walked in as if he were about to put in a show. I winced as I lifted my face to try to give him a look. And not a nice one.

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy," he repeated my name. His dark hair covered most of his face and his dark brown eyes stared into mine.

"Will you answer my question now?"

"Oh please, I told you last time. I have noooo idea where Apollo is! I last saw him on Olympus."

"He not there!" James started yelling.

"Yeah, we covered that." I replied.

"You think this is a game," James looked at me.

"No, I do not. You obviously do. You're only torturing me because I dumped you. Which was completely your fault. You started the fight."

"You were talking to an 'Internet friend' that you were meeting up with at the next comic con. You were dating him!" James said.

"I was not. I was dating you. I was in love with you, not him." I emphasized the was.

"You're dating him now, aren't you?" he asked wistfully. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

"I am. And you were too enveloped in your selfishness to spend time with me. Think next time you ignore a person." I finished making my point.

James' eyes turned golden. I knew what was going to happen next. I braced myself.

I know I told you I wasn't going to post until July but it was a three hour plane ride, I was bored, so this happened.

What did you think of the chapter? I thought it'd be cool to have Lucy and Lucy not only have a god for a dad but also a Titan for a grandfather.

Yep that's it.


I hope you liked it! I will post next chapter ASAP. (I have abandoned my only post a chapter a week on Sunday's schedule.)

Love you guuyyysss


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