Chapter Twenty Two: The Scare

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Last night was amazing I was so glad that I was officially Jake's fiance, after everyone left last night Jake and I made love but then fell asleep. I woke up naked on top of Jake who of course was also naked, I gently shook him until he woke up.

"Huh what?" He asked confused.

"I love you." I said.

"I should be mad at you for waking me up but I love you too." He replied, smiling at me.

I layed down next to him him and we cuddled for a while. I heard him grunt and move his hand down to his area. Then I noticed that he was hard, hmm I heard him get up to pee a few hours ago. He looked at me a whispered.

"Round two?" He questioned.

I smiled and then he rolled over in between my legs and started kissing me.


I got out of bed and went downstairs to make breakfast well brunch, I pulled out bread, eggs, and milk to make french toast. After that I got out the syrup and butter, I waited for the toast to cook while checking my phone.

I heard Jake heading down stairs, I looked over and saw him in his underwear.

"Oh my gosh would you put some clothes on please?" I asked him laughing.

"No, what are you making darling?" He asked, while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"French toast" I said, turning the burner off and setting the last two pieces on the plate.

I grabbed another plate and put half of them on his and handed it to him.

"Here you go." I said laughing.

We sat down at the table and started talking while eating, we talked about anything mostly our wedding.

"Do you know where you want to get married?" He asked.

"I don't know I haven't really thought about it." I said, bringing my eye brows closer together.

"Well let me know when you do." He replied, taking a sip of milk.

"Well do you have any ideas?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and smiled. "What about our first date?" He asked.

I gasped. "Oh my gosh your right. That would be so special and that meadow was the most beautiful place ever."

"Yeah." He said.

I stood up to put our plates in the sink I walked in the living room where Jake was but stopped. My stomach rumbled and I began to feel sick. "Are you okay?" He asked after I put my hand on my stomach.

I ran to the bathroom and began throwing up he ran in after me and held my hair back for me. Well this couldn't get anymore embarrassing. I thought to myself. But I spoke too soon because I heard a knock on the door, and when no one answered they opened the door and called for Jake.

It was Logan. "I'll be there in a sec." Jake shouted, before he started rubbing my back.

I heard the footsteps getting closer.

"I'm going to murder you Logan." I said before more came out.

"Oh jeez are you okay?" He said sounding grossed out.

"Logan.." Jake said.

"Oh right i'm sorry." He replied walking away.

a few seconds later I wiped my face and flushed the toilet I leaned my back against the wall.

"Do you feel better?" He questioned.

"Yeah, but you know what this means right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said looking down.

"Jake I told you if it keeps happening i'm getting a test, and who knows I might just have a bug." I replied getting up to wash my mouth.

"I'm going to go brush my teeth." I said walking out.


After that I went online to do online schooling and then I walked down stairs to see Jake on the couch with Logan.

"Hey ugly?" I said to Logan before sitting down.

"Um excuse me who do you think you're talking to?" He said, in his best preppy bitch voice.

I started laughing, "I'm just kidding you're adorable." I replied kissing his cheek.


Hey guys so this is exciting I wonder what's going to happen is she pregnant or sick? I don't know. Well I do know but tune in tomorrow to find the answer. And sad news there are only 4 more chapters. Sad Face. Well it's good news if you hate this book.

So in the process of writing another book I only have 10 chapters written and I'll let you know when I have all the chapters planned out and can start writing them. Its called him it's a jake Paul. And after that book is started I'll start writing another book I have in mind and I'll start writing the chapters.

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