Chapter Three: The Invite

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I walked down stairs remembering that I forgot to tell the twins I invited Logan and Jake over tomorrow. When I got to the bottom I saw them jumping around to music.

"Haha guys, I forgot to tell you I invited Jake and Logan over tomorrow." I said.

"Oh that's cool." Ethan said.

"So what's going on with you and Jake?" Grayson asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"He keeps asking and talking about you." He said causing me to blush.

"Oh, I don't know." I honestly said.

I went back to my room and started fangirling. Oh my gosh he was asking about me? I thought to myself. I layed down in bed and went to sleep.


When I woke up I decided to take a shower, after that I brushed my hair and teeth, getting ready for the day. I headed down stairs to see Ethan made breakfast again, i'm so glad I don't have to make breakfast. I thought.

After breakfast and watching Criminal Minds, we heard a knock on the door.

"Nose goes." I said putting a finger on my nose.

Grayson was the last so after groaning he got up and answered the door to see Jake and Logan. Everyone greeted and then we sat on the couch again. We started watching Forrest Gump, the sitting arrangement went Logan, Jake, Me, Ethan, then Grayson. I didn't mind being in the middle especially because I was sitting next to Jake.

Throughout the whole movie Jake kept looking at me, it was a little awkward, I can't lie though I looked at him a lot too. He was just so cute, I kinda like looking at cute people. lol That reminds me of the fault in our stars. It got to the part of the movie where Forrest was holding Bubba until he died, I started crying so Jake put his arm around me.

Smooth move Jake, smooth move. Was all I thought. I leaned closer to Jake getting more comfortable, well and because I wanted to cuddle. my arm was sitting uncomfortably but I didn't wanna come off to strong and put it around him. Oh what the hell. I thought as I put my arm around him. He didn't seem to mind.

I think Ethan did though. He leaned over and Whisper/shouted. "What are you doing?" Which caused me to jump, I punched the shit out of his arm, and he started laughing.

"You're such a jerk." I said laughing with him.


After watching a few movies Jake and Logan had to leave.

"Bye Nevaeh." Logan said.

"Bye Logan." I replied.

"Bye guys, and do you wanna maybe come to a party tonight? It'll be fun." Jake said looking at me, at the last part.

We all agreed to come, and then they left. I ran upstairs to get ready I wanted to look nice for Jake, I picked out a pretty navy blue dress perfect for tonight, I had navy blue wedges to match. I began putting on light blue makeup. I went down stairs to see Ethan and Grayson all ready, we jumped in their truck and were on our way to the party. I was so excited for tonight, all I could think about was seeing Jake, Jeez I barely knew the guy. Why was he all I could think about?

We made it to the party, it was in a huge house, but there were only about two hundred people there, I thought there would be more, then again I've only been to a few parties in my life. My mom was strict about that kind of stuff.

When we got in I saw my best friend McKenzie.

"Hey chicka, I didn't know you would be here." I said excited.

"Hey Nevaeh, I didn't know you would be here either." She said laughing crazily, She had obviously had something to drink.

"Here, take this." She said handing me a drink.

I sniffed it to find out it was Tequila, eww who has a Tequila at a party like this. I thought before handing it to a stranger telling them I don't drink Tequila. After a minute of standing alone, on my phone. I looked up to see Jake and Logan staring at me, Logan was saying something to Jake but then walked off.

"Hey baby." Someone said putting their arms around my waist, and resting their chin on my shoulder.

I turned around to see my drunk ex boyfriend, Tyler. I pushed him off of me, which made him angry. He grabbed my arm, and it really hurt, I tried to get him off of me by kicking his stuff. He pushed me so hard I feel back on the glass table, and I think you know what happened. Yup it broke luckily I didn't get glass in my ass, that would be embarrassing.

Next thing I know Logan is helping me up, and Jake is Punching Tyler in the face. I hated fighting, but no one has every faught for me before, and it was a little bit hot. Logan lead me outside, where we sat in his car.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah my back just hurts." I said laughing a little.

Jake came running out.

"Jake you didn't have to do that." I said looking down.

"He shoved you into a table." He defended. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"My back hurts a little, are you okay?" I asked looking at his already bruising knuckles.

"Yeah, don't worry about me." He replied.

"I'm sorry guys," I said looking down.

"Why? It's not your fault." Logan said, that guy was obviously a dick.

"Here let me take you home." He said grabbing his helmet.

"On that??" I asked.

"Yeah why? Are you scared?" He asked, laughing a bit.

"Umm yeah." I laughed along.

"It's okay, I'll go slow." He said handing me the helmet. "Here you need this more than me."

"Umm, Okay." I said obviously scared.

I got on and put the helmet on.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Uhh I guess." I replied, putting my arms around him.

He started out slow but gradually got faster as we got on the street. Oh my gosh, I'm going to die. I thought to myself. I think he knew I was scared by the grip I had on him, because he slowed down a bit.

We finally made it to my house, I got off and took the helmet off, almost throwing it at him. We made our way to my house and I unlocked the door. We went in and sat on the couch to watch a movie, I let Jake pick and of course he picked Titanic. He was looking at me for a long time when I decided to look over at him.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked.

"Because I think you're beautiful." As soon as he said that he looked away. "I'm sorry." he said.

"No you're fine, thank you." I replied.

He put his arm around me, and I put my arm around his waste putting my head on his chest.


Well that just happened, by the way that's her outfit in the picture.

Hmm I wonder what's gonna happen when the twins come home to see them???

I really need to stop updating this is the third update today.

I love you guys thanks for reading.

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