Chapter Five: The Date

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I woke up to my bird chirping for food, I got up and feed her. I went to the restroom to take a shower, and get ready for the day. When I got out I saw that I had a new message from Jake.

To Nevaeh

'Hey, text me when you get this.'

To Jake

'Hey Jake, What do you need?'

To Nevaeh

'Come outside.'

Hmm That's strange. I thought to myself.

I walked down stairs, the twins must still be sleeping they stayed up late last night, after Jake and Logan left. I walked outside to see Jake waiting for me outside my door.

"Hey?" He said.

"Hey." I replied.

"So um are you uh free tonight?" He asked, looking down and scratching the back of his neck.

I looked down and started to blush. "Yeah, Why?" I asked.

"Well I was wondering if I uh could take you out on like a date?" He answered, looking up at me this time.

"Um yeah, sure" I replied, smiling at him.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, of course, What should I wear though?" I asked him.

"Just anything, it's a casual date." He answered. "Oh and be ready by one." He added.

"Alright." I said laughing.

I walked in and closed the door behind me, I slowly slid down the door trying not to die inside. I must not have heard Ethan come down stairs.

"Whoa, are you okay?" He asked rushing to me.

I jumped up. "Oh my gosh, he asked me out on a date, Ethan." I said freaking out.

"Oh." Was all he said.

"Okay, you could at least try to be happy for me." I said before heading to my room to get ready for our date, it was already twelve thirty.

After finding something cute to wear with light makeup and dangling earrings, I was all set. I guess I lost track of time because I heard a knock on the door, and saw Jake's scary motorcycle. I ran downstairs to see Ethan and Jake talking. When Ethan saw me he walked away from Jake who looked nervous as ever.

"Hey Nevaeh?" He greeted me, as I made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey Jake." I replied.

"So look what I bought." He said handing me a blue helmet. "You can keep it." He added.

"Wow really, does that mean we'll be hanging out a lot?" I asked him.

"I hope, oh I mean if you want." He said blushing.

Gosh he's so cute when he blushes, well he's always cute. I thought to myself.

"Well come on." He said walking out, motioning for me to follow him.

He got on and put his helmet on, and I did the same. he started his death machine and we were off to god knows where. I actually kinda like this, it's fun but also scary, and it gives me a chance to touch Jake's 6 pack without seeming weird. I think what I just said was weird though.


We finally stopped outside of a beautiful meadow, there were flowers everywhere.

"Jake, this is so beautiful." I said, looking around.

"I tried to pick a place that matched you." He replied, grabbing my hand and began walking through the beautiful flowers.

We stopped at a spot that had a picnic basket and a blanket. He motioned for me to sit and he sat across from me.

He opened the basket and handed me a sandwich.

"So Nevaeh, tell me about yourself." He said.

"Um well I was born and raised here in Ohio, I want to join the Navy and be a Coroner for when I come home, I'm actually in college right now aiming for a bachelors degree in Pathology, and I don't know my favorite color is green, oh and ironically my favorite movie is concussion." I said, and we both began to laugh. "What about you Jake?" I asked, biting my sandwich.

"Well like you I was also born and raised in Ohio, I also want to join the Navy, My favorite color is blue I'm sorry i'm a failure at life and don't know his favorite color. I don't think i have a favorite movie." He replied scooting closer to me.

He sat right next to me and just looked at me, I couldn't take my eyes off of him he was so gorgeous. He slowly leaned in and I did the same. There were no words to describe the way it felt when our lips connected, it was sorta like fireworks. He slowly moved his lips with mine, placing his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him. I moved my hands to his cheeks.

He pulled away making eye contact with me. It suddenly became awkward and Jake suggested to take me home. We got on his motorcycle and put our helmets on.


When we got to my house I hugged Jake and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll see you later." I said letting go of him.

"See ya, babe." He said smiling at me.


Yay they went on a date finally am I right? lol

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