Chapter Nineteen: Lazy Day

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Our eight month anniversary was coming up but I we're sure if I wanted to celebrate it because it was just random and I usually celebrated one month, six month, and then years after that.

I rolled over to face Jake who was still sleeping, I got out of bed and went down stairs to make breakfast I decided on Bacon and eggs who doesn't love that.

After I finished I made our plates and went upstairs to wake Jake up.

"Hey baby girl." He said groggily.

"Good morning." I leaned over to kiss him. "I made you breakfast." I added.

"Oh yay." He said, getting up and stretching. We walked downstairs and sat at the table.

I wasn't sure how to bring up the anniversary to him I didn't want him to get upset or anything.

"Hey Jake?" I awkwardly asked even though it shouldn't be too hard.

"Yeah?" He questioned looking at me.

"So our eight month anniversary is coming up." I replied.

"Yeah I'm excited." He quickly looked down and turned a little red.

Oh shit what if he was planning something and this ruins everything, ugh what do I do? I thought to myself.

"Yeah well I was thinking that we could just have a lazy day and watch love movies and cuddle and stuff." I said while he just stared at me.

I looked down because he was making me uncomfortable. He didn't say anything he just got up and put his plate in the sink.

"Do you want me to do the dishes?" He asked.

"No." I said, also putting my plate in the sink and headed to the living room to watch TV.

I wasn't mad at Jake I was upset because I feel like I made him sad. I didn't want to do anything for our anniversary I just wanted to spend time with him, that's all.

But I also don't want him to have something planned and I just ruined it. Oh well we still have time until that, Jake sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him all over his face.

"Stop being weird Nevaeh." He said laughing.

"But I love you, aren't u allowed to love you honey?" I asked him.

"Well of course." He said in a 'duh' tone he layed down and put me on his chest, so he was below me in between my legs.

I layed my head down on him and started flipping through the channels I saw that karate kid was on.

"Oh my fricking gosh I love this movie so much." I said excitedly.

"Yeah I do too." Jake commented.

It was at the part where Mr. Miyagi jumped out of nowhere and started fighting off all of the stupid dojo students beating up daniel San.

I laughed because it made me feel so happy when bullies got what they deserved, I had only ever been bullied once but it wasn't bad. They just called me names and made up rumors.

I remember it still though I remember their names and everything. But a lot of kids are bullied in highschool. Thats okay because if I ever need to buy something for work. Ill make sure I rub it in their face, well no I won't i'm too nice.

I sat up and realised it was two already ugh I might at well take a shower. I looked down at Jake who was sleeping I smiled and gently kisses the top of his nose.

I eased my way off of him trying not to wake him up, I made my way upstairs to take a shower. I began undressing after I turned the water on.

I got in and started wetting my hair, as soon as I put shampoo in my hair I heard the door open I was assuming it was Jake.

I notices that whoever was in the bathroom was peeing. "Oh my gosh Jake what are you doing?" I asked pulling the curtain back to reveal Logan.

thank god he was facing the other way.

"Sorry I thought you were in the downstairs bathroom and Jake was in the shower." He said.

"Well there was a bathroom down the hall you know?" I replied.

"Well nevaeh if you didnt hear I had to go pretty bad." He said as I heard him zip his pants.

"Okay well get out I have to get out now." I said laughing while turning the water off.

I got out and grabbed a towel to dry off with, I looked over to where I thought I put my clothes to discover I forgot to grab them.

I wrapped the towel all the way around my body and walked out to see logan sitting on my bed.

"Why are you in my room?" I laughed.

"Because im bored and your bed is comfy." He replied.

"Oh well okay." I said walking back to the bathroom.


So if it wasn't obvious I didnt really know what to write about in this one but hopefully it wasn't too bad.

I bet you guys were expecting her towel to fall off in front of Logan, I was thinking about putting that but I hadn't planned on putting it in and I didn't wanna start drama.

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