Chapter 13: End It All

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(Marks POV)

I woke up in an empty room. I thought about all the horrible things I'd done. I'd killed Christine, I had killed that other lady, I didn't even get to know her name. The wall in front of me disappeared, revealing 2 dead bodies, Christine's body, and the lady's body. There was blood on the wall which said "you heartless monster", it was probably Christine's or the lady's blood. I felt, horrible, I felt, like a monster. I saw a note on the right side of me. I opened it and a razor blade fell out.
        The choice is yours, if you cant live with the guilt, do it.
        - Your owners

      Apparently they owned me now, and they were fine with letting me kill myself. I thought about it for a while. I couldn't come up with any good reasons to keep going. My best friends are both dead. I've killed people. Even if I pass the trials I probably won't get to go home, I had a hunch that they planned on keeping me here forever. I realized that I should just end it all. I had no reason to live, NONE! I was angry that I was chosen to live through this, I was never shown any mercy! The things that keep me here are horrible people, not caring about the pain I was going through. The only mercy they gave me was that they are letting me kill myself. My anger subsided, and I picked up the razor blade. In one swift motion, I slit my right wrist, then my left. I saw the scarlet liquid leave my body and I knew this was the end. I cried and cried until I drifted, drifted more, until I was gone.

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