Chapter 3: Parkour (Marks Perspective)

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      I woke up on the floor, thankfully not attached to anything. I woke Christine up too.
      "Wake up! Wake up!" I yelled into her sleeping face.
      "What the... There's more trials?" Christine asked, confused. The mysterious voice answered her question.
      "Of course, there are many trials you will need to pass," it answered.
      "Why? What is even going on?" I asked, not wanting to be put through them.
      "I guess since you survived the first trial, you should know why you are being put through this," the voice said. "Well basically we are an alien race. You don't have to believe me, but you are not on earth right now."
      "Like I'm going to believe you," I said rudely.
      "Like I said, you don't have to believe me but why do you think no one has found you? I mean, your in a pretty big building with lots of trials,. Don't you think someone would've came by now?" the voice asked.
      "I guess so..." I said, telling myself this couldn't be true.
      "Anyways, to pass the trials, one of you has to live, yes, one of you can die and you will still pass the trials." The voice said. I didn't want this to be true, I just didn't.
      "Of course, both of you can live, but it's a hard thing to do." The voice said. There was a long pause. "If you pass the trials, you will get to go back home. Don't even try to get police to investigate, 'Cassie's' house burnt down the other day," the voice told them. "We have never been caught on any planet we've been to. Anyway, if you pass the trials, whoever is alive will get to go home. If you fail however, your planet will be destroyed, because if you both fail, that shows that this planet is not worthy of life."
      "Why the fuck did you pick two 16 year-olds then? You could've picked some athletes or people who should represent this planet." I asked angrily.
      "We didn't want the strongest to represent the planet, because we wanted people who represent the general population, not the people who only represent the best people." The voice said.
      "Okay. Anyway, what's the next trial?" Christine asked, trying to put on a bold face.
      "Parkour. Parkour over a lot of things that hurt. Knives, spikes, etc." The voice said. "Good luck." We saw doors opening. Oh god, that's not going to be easy. There was huge jumps, walls, spikes and knifes. Is that a bear trap?
"Come on Christine, we have to do this." I said encouragingly.
"Mark, I don't know if I can do this." Christine said, doubting her abilities.
"Christine, do you want to die?" I said impatiently.
      "No, I don't! Okay, I'm ready." Christine said, suddenly ready. The first jump was a huge jump, probably like 7 feet.
      "I'll go first." I said. I jumped as high as I could, I made it but I fell forward on my face, I got some rug burns on my knees.
      "Come on Christine," I said like I wasn't hurt. "You can do this, it's not that hard."
      "Okay, I'll try." Christine said, scared of failing. She jumped, and made it... kind of. She was hanging by her hands at the edge, dangling over spikes.
      "Mark! Save me please! Holy shit!" She screamed with her eyes closed, not wanting to look down.
      "I'm coming, god damn it!" I reached out to Christine. "Grab my hand!" She let go of one hand and almost fell, but managed to grab my hand. I used all my strength to pull her up. It was hard, but she was safe.
      "Oh god damn, I was so scared." Christine said. She never swears so I knew she really was. The next one was a huge wall, a huge wall. As in like 3 stories high. We had to climb up it using just a few bricks that were sticking out to get there. I went first again. I started climbing, I made it about 10 feet when I slipped. I freaked out.
"Oh shit!" I managed to put my foot back on a brick. I was so relieved I didn't fall. It took a long time but I slowly climbed the wall. After about 5 minutes I was at the top. I was so happy and relieved. It was Christine's turn, I hoped she wouldn't fall.
"Christine! It's your turn! Come on!" I called down to her.
"Okay, I'm coming up." She said, clearly scared. She started coming up. When she got to about 5 feet. A extremely loud sound came from the speakers. It startled Christine and she fell.
"God damn it" She said while falling. She landed on her back, so hard i heard a thump.
"Ughhh." She moaned. After a couple minutes of recovering, she started to climb again, but more slowly. When she was almost at the top the sound blared again. She managed to stay on though. Probably the fear. I helped her to the top.
"They are such cheats!" Christine said angrily. The next thing was a drop. It looked about, roughly ten feet.
"Jesus Cheesus, that's going to be hard." Christine said. I had an idea though.
"Hang on to the edge of the floor by your hands so you don't have to fall as much." I said, feeling smart.
"That's a good idea," Christine said, nodding. "I'll go first this time." Christine said bravely, not wanting me to be fiesta all the time. She hung by her hands and let go. She fell and instantly fell on her feet when she hit the ground, dazed. She looked okay. It was my turn. I was about to hang from my hands when the loud sound happened again. "Those cheats!" she yelled as I fell the whole ten feet, landing on my legs. It hurt so bad but I managed not to fracture or break my legs. Next there was one last jump, about the same size as the first one. I went first despite Christine's protests. I was fine, my leg was fine.                    "Christine, trust me. I'll be okay." There was knives on the ground. I ran and jumped and landed like Christine. I was hanging by my hands but no one was there to pull me up. I fell. I managed to only get hit by one knife but it went in my leg.
"Oh, fuck! Holy shit! Fuck!" I was screaming my head off and Christine was scared.
"Go in Christine," I said "I'm not dead so I should be able to go on to the next trial." She jumped and made it, and then guess what happened. Gas, more gas. It flooded the whole room. Not just the end. I was kinda happy because that meant I was going on to the next trial.
"See you next trial!" I said, almost cheerful right before I blacked out.

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