Chapter 12: Not Everything Is What It Seems

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Hey so I'm writing another chapter today! Yay! This is to make up for the long break and short chapter, this chapter might also be relatively short, but I hope you enjoy anyway.

I was lying on that cold hard floor for what seemed like forever. Alone, wanting to just curl up and die, but I knew that I had to continue, to save my planet. It was crazy, that fact that I believed that there was aliens on earth, and they abducted me and forced me to go through trials to save my planet. But I knew that it had to be real, if it wasn't real, then how would Cassie be able to do all those things to me and Christine? She wouldn't, we were such good friends. She had to be an alien. She had to be. Suddenly 5 buttons appeared on the wall, each a different color. Red, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
"4 of these 5 buttons will cause the floor to disappear, making you fall into many spikes, with no chance of survival. One of these will allow you to continue." The voice said. I was extremely angry, I yelled back.
"I thought these trials were supposed to see if we are worthy of survival, this has nothing to do with whether or not we are strong enough or have good morals or any of that. It's pure chance!"
"I like to add I little luck to my trials." The voice said evilly, I hated these creatures so much. After a while of thinking, i chose the yellow one, but just as I was reaching for the button, the voice spoke again.
"You know what, screw this." The voice changed, it turned into Cassie's old voice.
"Mark! Choose the purple one, you won't die if you choose that! I'm so sorry, they forced me to do all those things, they have my family! I'm so so sorry I did those things to you. I hope giving you the answer helps you forgive me in some way." I answered sympathetically.
"I'm sorry you had to be forced to do those things. I forgive you." But just as I said those words, I heard screaming.
"No, please! Please don't hurt me! Please I'm begging you! IM SORRY!!! BANG!" I heard the gunshot, Cassie was dead, and her family would probably be killed too. I wish she wouldn't have told me, I would rather have had her and her family live than me. I realized. I was the last person, I had to make it out alive, to make Cassie and Christine's deaths not in vain. I chose the purple one. The floor stayed still. Cassie was right. Gas filled the room. Everyone I ever knew is gone from my life. I was taken away from my family and friends. I killed my very best friend and girlfriend. Everything I loved is gone. I feel like I will never be happy again, I felt, empty.

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