Chapter 2: The First Trial (Marks Perspective)

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      I woke up, attached to a chair by steel things, still in my clothes I had worn to Cassie's house. I was in a glass tank. I saw Christine on the gray tiled floor, outside the glass tank. I yelled to  her.
           "Christine! Wake up! Please!" I saw her steel gray eyes pop open and I    sighed with relief.  She jumped up when she saw what was going on.
     "Mark! What happened? What's going on?" Christine yelled, scared as all hell.
      "I have no clue! All I know is I'm tied to a god damn chair against my will!" Christine looked up to the ceiling.
      "Look! Speakers, those will probably be used to contact us," Christine said.
      "You are absolutely correct!" a very distorted voice said.
      "This is the first trial. You see, Mark is in a glass tank. A glass water tank," the voice said, saying the words, water tank, with emphasis.
      "What? Why? What did I do to you Cassie? Why the fuck are you doing this?" The distorted voice ignored my question.
      "Christine, do you see the box with a hole in it?" the voice asked.
      "Y-Yes, I do" Christine answered nervously.
      "The tank is going to start filling with water, now." I saw the floor start to fill up.
      "Please no, please that's my worst fear! Don't kill me!" I said, terrified and starting to hyperventilate.
      "Don't worry Mark, Christine just has to get the key in that box and put it in this." A box with a key hole dropped from a hole in the ceiling. "And the water will drain out and you will move on." The voice instructed.
      "Christine! Get the ke-!" I was interrupted by the voice.
      "By the way, the box is filled with over 50 spiders." The voice said nonchalantly.
      "I can't do this Mark. I'm uber-afraid of spiders!" Christine said, worry and fear in her voice.
      "Christine! You have to, I will die if you don't do it!" I said, begging Christine to do it.
      "I can't, they are probably all venomous!" The water was at my feet, it was freezing cold.
      "Christine! The water is rising and it's freezing cold! If you don't do that, I will die of drowning in freezing water!" I said, very scared that she would let me die.
      "Mark, I'm so, so sorry, I just can't." Christine said, feeling horrible for what she's doing.
      "Christine... Please... I don't want to die!" I yelled, thinking this was the end of my life.
      "Mark, I..." Christine said, conflicted.
      "Please Christine, I don't know why you are fine with letting me die because of your fear, if you didn't hear earlier, drowning is my biggest fear!" I said, trying my hardest to convince her to do it. The water was at my mid-region, it was so cold.
      "Please, it's so cold, I feel horrible." I said, in a lot of pain from the freezing water.
      "Mark..." Christine said.
      "What more do you need? Why do you need me to convince you to save me? There's nothing else I can say! I'm going to die a horrible slow death if you don't do it." The water was at my chest. "Christine please!!! I'm going to die very soon if you don't do it!!!" I screamed in fear. The water was at my neck.
      "Please!!! I'm going to fucking die!!" I screamed louder, extremely terrified and chilled to the bone.
"Okay... I'll do it Mark." Christine said, nervous.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! But please hurry u-." The water was in my mouth. "Mm!!!! Mmmmmm!!!!!!" I tried to make words, I couldn't.

"I'm doing it!" Christine said scared. She stuck her hand in and pulled it out. The water was almost at my nose. I took a huge breath, hoping Christine would do it in time. I forced myself not to panic. She stuck her hand in a little longer and pulled it out. But then she looked at me and realized how close I was to death and stuck her hand in. The water was at my eyes.
     "Where's the key! I can't find it!" She stuck her hand in again, and came out again with no key. The water was in my chocolate brown hair, I was running out of breath.
"Mark I'm trying, I'm trying!" She said, tears coming out of her eyes. She stuck her hand in again, crying.
"I found it!" She announced, running to the box and stuck the key in and turned it. The walls of the tank fell off and water flooded out. The steel things holding me to the chair opened, and I stood up. Everything was numb from the water and I could barely stand. I wobbled like a baby horse learning how to use it's legs over to Christine and hugged her, so happy to be alive.
"Good job, you passed the first trial." The voice said. The first? There are more? What was even going on?
      "No! Again! Why!!" Christine screamed. She fainted, I tried to stay awake, but I couldn't fight the gas. Everything when black, again.

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