Chapter 6: Reunited

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                      (Marks POV)

      I woke up to Christine yelling at me to wake up. I woke up and we were both in a room.
      "Hello! Today we are going to be doing an obstacle course!" The voice said evilly.
      "Something tells me it's not a normal obstacle course." I said knowingly. The wall opened up to reveal a lot of things I didn't want to do, but I knew I had to. Christine didn't look to happy about it either, the first was a very long monkey bar thing with a huge drop and possible spikes on the bottom. Christine wanted to go first so I let her, I was scared for her though. It was a very long set of bars. I watched her start going, she was doing well and she made it halfway when she slipped.
      "Oh god! Holy crap!" She yelled, the bangs framing her face swaying when she slipped. She managed to regain her grip on the bars. After that she made it to the end without fault. She jumped on the platform and beckoned me to come. I made it all the way without anything happening. Or at least I almost did. When I was just a couple rungs away I slipped and fell. I just barely grabbed the edge of the platform. Christine pulled me up and it was time for the next one. It was a hole in a wall at about the height of my chest, it wasn't a big hole and it was laced with razor blades on the sides. I went first this time and jumped through, it hurt my leg to do such a big jump but I made it and landed on my hands, ow.
      "Christine! It's your turn!" I said. She was very hesitant but eventually after some persuasion she did it, she didn't get razor blades but she landed on her arm, the one that was hurt. She screamed.
      "Oww!! Holy shit my arm!" She was clearly in a lot of pain and I felt really bad for her.
      "Are you okay Christine! I'm so sorry I forgot about your arm, oh my god please be okay!" I said, scared for her, hoping she didn't just open her wound.
      "It's okay, it just really hurt, I'm not bleeding." She said. I was extremely relieved that she was okay, I wanted both of us to get out alive.

A quick break from the story, I just want to take some time to recommend a book that I thought was really good, if you like 5sos you will like this book. It's called Long Way Home by I_likes_music . Check it out!

      The next thing we had to do was get passed a big dog that didn't look happy. I decided to go first. I ran but I was too slow for the dog, it bit my leg.
      "Fucking dog!" I yelled, in pain, it but the same leg that was stabbed with the knife a few trials ago. I kicked the dog and made it to the end where there was a jump that I could make but the dog couldn't. I made the jump when I saw Christine running. The dog almost got her but she kicked it in the nose and it fell over. She made the jump without any problems. There was a hallway, Christine started walking down it when the middle of the hall way split, splitting us apart, I thought about jumping but it was too big of a gap. A very thin balance beam rose from the gap. I knew I had to walk across it but I could fall and meet my death. After some hesitation, I started walking across the probably 20 ft beam. All I did was look at Christine and her dirty blond hair and steel blue eyes. I made it to the middle when the loud ass sound played again. I fell and I was hanging by my hands, so instead of walking across I just used my hands to go across, it took a lot longer then it should've, but I made it and Christine pulled me up. The final thing was something I really didn't want to do. I saw someone, I have no idea but someone was tied to a chair and there was a gun on the floor. The voice spoke to us.
"You have passed the obstacle course, to continue you must pick up the gun and shoot this person and kill them." That is exactly what I had hoped the gun wasn't for. I picked it up, it felt scary and weird to hold a gun, since I had never held a gun before. The person was screaming and shouting pleas for me not to kill her. I felt horrible, I knew I had to do this for me and Christine. I aimed the gun at the persons face. She was screaming now, begging me not to. I had to, I just had to. I whispered.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry for what I'm going to do, there are reasons I'm doing this that you wouldn't understand, I hope you understand."
"Fuck yo-" was her last words before I shot her. I felt so horrible, I just felt the the scum of the earth, like I should just shoot myself, but before I could even think about it. Gas filled the room for the fifth time. I welcomed sleep, I welcomed it with open arms.

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