"Small wonders"

25 8 4

10th July 2016

Small wonders

I watch the doves glide through the air,
The swans bickering without care,
The sunlight painting patterns on the green floor,
And the crashing waves on the shore.

I watch people enter and leave a boat,
In my hand the postcard I wrote,
In the far a proud fluttering flag,
And a gift in my bag.

I notice the humble chatter of bumblebees,
Rose petals flying with the breeze,
The glistening sunlight in the gentle water,
A female duck feeding her daughter.

I watch children play in sand,
Couples going hand in hand,
And I inhale the fresh air,
The wind rustling through my hair.

I observe every beautiful flower,
Each grain on the beach,
I admire the waters power,
And the winds fascinating speech.

And I wonder why people close their eyes in front of such beauty,
But I guess that sometimes, you only want to see a polished ruby.

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