"The paper airplane"

39 10 2

4. October 2015

The paper airplane

You build your walls higher,
Too high for you to still see the earth,
Resistant to water and fire,
Concealed in their shadows lies your worth.

No friend, no enemy can climb it,
On the cold clay you have to sit,
Waiting for a miracle to happen,
Hopeful emotions start to flatten.

Time rushes by around you,
But you can't feel it in your cage,
You only ever get a limited view,
The walls start to get crumbly by age,
But you can't stop to restore them new,
Yet one day you get a paper airplane made of a faded page.

Two words are neatly written,
'Free yourself' says the ink on the white,
Still you stay there, hidden,
But in your sleep you hold it tight.

More days pass, like time plays a prank,
But you start to notice a strong ivy tendril growing,
There, were your hope once sank,
Climbing higher every hour, almost flowing.

And then it reaches the top of your jail,
You hold on tight, and follow it's trail,
The leaves poison burning your skin,
But you don't feel it, eagerness coming from within.

After hours of suffering and fear,
You stand on top, finally seeing clear.

It was the world in it's worst and it's best,
That once had put you to the test,
But you had been too blind to see,
That feeling joy and sorrow was the only key.
To be free.

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