"Why I write"

37 11 4

05.December 2015

Why I write

I write about hopes,
I write about dopes,
Like love and passion,
A freedom expression.

I write about the dark,
About the left mark,
In my soul, my heart, my mind,
My past, that it lined.

I write about feelings,
Like sadness or joy,
I search for their meanings,
Figure out, if I am just a toy.

I write for the magic,
The turning point,
I know life is tragic,
But I guess I just joined.

I write for the freeing,
To find my true being,
Still in all of this mess,
I refuse to feel like less.

I write for the fun,
While enjoying the morning sun,
And when the stars twinkle at night,
I'll look at them through candle light.

I don't want to regret,
I don't want you upset,
Carry out some genuine smiles,
That's what will make up, for the thousands of miles.

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