chapter 4

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In the morning I go downstairs to see if Mom is back;she isn't. So I go back upstairs to wake Miles up. He looks so cute with bed head. I go downstairs and make some eggs for breakfast. When Miles finally comes down, he looks the same as yesterday but in different clothes.
"You made breakfast?" He asks me.
"Yea, why?"
"You didn't have to do that..." He sounds..depressed.
"Are you OK?"
"Fine.. I guess."
"Tell me whats wrong. I can help you through it." I pause and hold up my arm. Pointing to the scars I say,"Don't hold your feelings in... All it does is lead to this... Don't be like me."
"I just don't know... I feel sad."
"You look cute when your sad." We both smirk.
-time lapse -walking to school -

We walk some of the way to school together, but we part before we get there. Miles stays and waits for his friends. I walk alone again sketching. I'm drawing two anime people holding hands. I smile and put my sketch book away then start to walk faster because I can hear Miles and his friends.
-After school -

After school I walk home alone. When I get home Mom still isn't home. I try calling her cellphone but she doesn't answer. I'm starting to worry. I go upstairs to my room and work on the drawing I started earlier. After awhile I hear my phone buzz. Miles texted me :"Hey"
"Hi. What are you doing?"
"Nothing. You?"
"What area you drawing?"
"Umm..two anime people holding hands."
"Cool.. Can I come over?"
"Sure. My mom isn't home again. I don't think she ever came home."
"OK. I'm sorry to read that.. I'll keep you company. See you in five minutes."
Five minutes later I hear a knock on the door,I see Miles standing there. With a smug look on his face.
"Hey,baby." He says. Baby? Why did he call me that? I'm not sure I like it. I don't say anything all I do step back to let him in. "Sorry, did I take it to far?"
"Um... No... I guess."
" What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Another lie.. Today my friend broke up with me. I don't want Miles to worry though.
"You're lying."
"No...I'm not. What do you want to do?"
"Can we go upstairs?" He looks around like he is expecting something to pop out at him.
"Sure." We go uostairs and again he closes a d locks the door. He looks at me. The look in his eye is sincere but hurt. "What's a matter?"
"Nothing." Miles looks at the ground. I lead him over to the bed. He sits down almost instantly. I sit next to him and hug him.
For awhile we just sit there. He breaks the silence by saying, "If you tell me what's wrong I will tell you whats wrong."
"Alright." I pause. "My friend left me today."
"Really? Why?"
"She said I get mad at the stupidest thing and that she is done with it."
"Are you OK?"
"It hurts... It always will... But that's life for ya. But life did give me some one to help me through it. Now what's a matter with you?"
"Absolutely nothing." He brightens. "I just wanted to know what was wrong with you."
"You're my tough kitty though." He smirks as I blush."Can I see the drawing you were working on?" I get up and grab my sketch book. I flip open to my drawing. "Wow! I like it."
"Its not finished yet."
"I wasn't talking about the drawing." I blush again. Miles pulls me close to him. I lay down in his lap and look at him from below. I decide this is what I want,him and me. I smile.
I hear a door slam again and my name being yelled. I rush downstairs. My mother is here.
"Alice!" I'm at the bottom of the steps. "Oh, there you are." She's drunk again."Make me and Robert some dinner. NOW!" Instead of waiting for an answer she comes over to me and grabs my hair and drags me over to the kitchen. I make them dinner,slightly crying. After they eat they leave again.

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