Chapter One: MINE! (EDITED)

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No matter what, you always will be my angel that saved me from the darkness.
-Ella Fox

"You better make yourself presentable," Alpha Morgan growled at me after I got up from my beating. Pain laced through my body from the multiple bruises and cuts I'd just received.

I whimpered and nodded. "How good you dress tonight determines how good I beat you after this is over, you got it mutt?"

I nodded again. He knew I wasn't going to respond. I haven't responded for nine years.

I hurried to my room AKA, the musty attic. My home sweet home. I only had a dirty mattress, a very minimal wardrobe, and makeup, only to cover my multiple bruises and cuts when important people came to visit so Morgan can use me as his "trophey"

I quickly changed out of my bloody shirt and ripped jeans and got my black leggings and my white shirt with ruffles at the bottom and my black Converse. That was the fanciest and the cleanest outfit I had. Everything else was torn and covered in blood.

This was the room I've had for the past nine years. After my parents died in the fire, I stopped talking and Alpha Morgan, their Beta at the time, started beating me when I was nine since he said that my parents didn't give him the respect and authority that he deserved. I'm eighteen now.

I also had an older brother, Chris, but he died in the fire. I would've died too if it wasn't for my early shift. I wish at least my brother survived too, so I'd have a friend. I can still remember his happy green eyes and smile. He was my best friend.

I got the shard of mirror that I had and started applying makeup to my cuts and bruises, wincing a bit as the makeup hit my newer bruises. Today Alpha Shane Chase, the Alpha of one of the strongest pack in the world was coming to this pack in search of his mate. This was the last pack he was looking in before he started looking in other countries and he requested all of the girls from the pack.

When I was done, I looked myself up and down in the shard. I did good....for me, but might not be good for Alpha Morgan and result in another beating. I sucked in a breath before I hurried downstairs where the rest of the girls were buzzing about who could be his mate. Tracey, aka the plastic barbie of the pack, glared at me, causing me to roll my eyes as I lined up.

We were lining up by ranks. The front meaning most important and back meaning useless tools, me among them. I took my place in the back row and Tracey stood in the middle. Alpha Morgan walked through the crowd, making sure no one jumped and made themselves look more important than they were."You did good mutt," Alpha Morgan growled in my ear. "But not good enough to not get a beating tonight."

I whimpered and look down at my feet to avoid eye contact. Just then there was a knock on the door and a hush went over the sea of girls. Alpha Morgan straightened up and walked over to the door with fake confidence rolling off him in waves.

When he opened it, the most amazing scent I'd ever smelled rushed into my nose. It smelled like fresh rain and cinnamon and I was addicted to it. Could NO! It was probably just someone's cologne. I've been used to the must of the attic that basically everything else in the world smells amazing to me.

Then I saw him. Alpha Shane Chase, Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. He had dark brown hair with deep brown eyes that enchanted me and wouldn't let me go. He had an aura of power that radiated off him in waves that dared anyone to challenge him, causing me to shrink back a bit.

Alpha Morgan and Alpha Shane talked in hushed voices, Morgan shaking his head. Finally, Alpha Morgan bowed his head in submission then glared at me, causing me to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

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