Chapter Seven:The Slap (EDITED)

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(Hey guys I just wanted to tell you that before you comment anything stupid, remember that this is ALL GOING TO PLAY OUT LATER! I promise. So don't leave any stupid comments. Please and thank you)

Ariel's POV

I woke up on something soft and warm. I felt something strong around my waist and I knew exactly where I was. I scowled as I removed Shane's hand from around my waist and climbed out of bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shane grumbled in a husky morning voice as he got up. I just ignored him and continued toward the door, too angry to answer him.

Within seconds, Shane was standing in front of me with anger swimming in his eyes. "Don't you dare ignore me." He growled, anger and irritation rolling off him in waves. "Now, I'm going to ask you one more time, where do you think you're going?"

As far away from you as possible. I spat through the link as I narrowed my eyes at him. I couldn't believe I actually fell for him. I can't believe that I thought he'd be different. That he cared about me when he's just like everyone else, putting my needs aside for their stupid wants.

He growled at me as a darkness settled over his face. Just then, I felt a burning sensation in my cheek as pain weaved itself throughout my face. I looked up at him in shock as tears welled up in my eyes. He'd just slapped me. "Don't you ever disrespect me again, you got it mutt?" He growled in a very low voice that I didn't recognize.

I whimpered as I moved away, cradling my cheek and silently cried, too scared to do anything else. My mate had just slapped me. It felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces and my mind was filled with a hurricane of emotions and jumbled thoughts.

"Ariel," Shane said as the darkness disappeared from his face. "I am so sorry. I swear it wasn't me, it's just something took over....." He got caught up on his words. He tried to reach out for me, but I quickly moved away, shaking my head as I tried my best to hold my tears back, but failing miserably as a few more slipped out.

I got up and ran out of the room. He didn't even try to chase me. He knew it would be useless. I let tears slid down my face as I ran to wherever it was that my legs were carrying me.

I was about in the middle of the woods when I found a huge tree stump. I climbed onto it and pulled my knees into my chest and just let all my emotions out. I felt alone. I felt vulnerable.

I felt like this was all some horrid game someone was playing to try to lure me into a false sense of hope and "love" then brutally crush me and watch me shatter into a million pieces.

I felt more tears fall down my face as I thought about the ones who actually did love me: my mom, dad, and Chris. All dead and I could've done more. Heck, I could've just jumped in the fire with them and had a slow, painful death as the fire consumed my skin and set my nerves ablaze. But at least I'd be with my family and not dealing with this.

I sat on that stump for God knows how long, crying and throwing a pity party for myself.

Then it started raining.

I swear the whole world is against me sometimes.

"Ariel!" I heard Shane's voice shout from a distance causing me to tense up. I didn't want to see him. Not now. Not ever again. He hurt me after he promised he'd protect and help me.

I quickly got up and shifted into my wolf, not caring that I ripped my clothes in the process, and ran as fast as I could.

"Ariel!" I heard him yell, taking running steps to me. I ran faster and faster until something so strong, so disgusting caught my nose.

I changed course and ran toward it, hoping that it would be enough to mask my scent. I ended up at an old rotting cabin. It smelled horrid and looked even worse, but it could mask my scent and that's all that mattered.

I started debating whether I should go in there. It looked like it could collapse at any moment and trap me, but of course, my debate was cut short when I heard Shane getting too close.

I took a deep breath and hurried in. Right when I stepped in, I saw a closet. I shifted back before I ran in and hid in it just as Shane came to the front door.

I heard him sniffing the air before I felt his eyes burning holes through the closet I was currently in.

I held my breath as I heard him slowly walk to my hiding spot, my heart slamming against my rib cage.

The door swung open and a scream escaped from my lips as I cowered away in fear. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to disappear forever, but of course, I didn't. Instead, I felt two strong arms wrap around me and pull me in close.

Let go of me! I screamed through the link as I started pounding against his chest. You slapped me! I can't believe I fell for you!I can't believe that I thought you actually cared! You're just like every other selfish alpha! You're just like-

"I'm nothing like Morgan." He cut me off, finishing my thought. "Ariel please don't push me away," he whispered as his grip on me tightened.

Let go of me. I sobbed as I started crying and my punches and kicks became weaker. Get away. I said, breaking down and collapsing on my knees.

"I am so so sorry, Ariel." He whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug.

I didn't try to escape because I knew it would be useless, so instead, I let everything out on his chest. The slap, my family, the years of endless abuse, everything.

"I am so sorry, Ariel. I-I honestly don't know what happened. It was if something dark took over and....I'm just so sorry and it'll never happen again."

I looked up at him, tears still falling down my face. He had sincerity and worry written all over his face, but most of all, he had guilt. I wanted to scream. I wanted to slap him so he knew how it felt. I wanted to leave him. But I knew that after I did all of that, I'd feel even more hurt and empty than I do now. So, I decided to forgive him, not because I accepted what he did, but because I didn't want to keep that anger bottled up inside of me and let it consume me and my thoughts. Promise? I whispered through the link.

Promise. He responded through the mind-link as he slid off his shirt and slid it over my bare body.

He picked me up bridal style and walked me out of the rotting house. "You know that house could've collapsed, right. I mean, if you'd gotten hurt, I'd never forgive myself," he whispered.

I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. This was proof that I had to stop going so fast and slow things down a bit. Who knows what could happen if whatever that thing was got a hold of him again?


Guys, seriously, don't comment "WTF! He slapped you! What do you mean promise? Etc...." Because it will play itself out later, I promise. It gets so freaking annoying waking up in the morning to all those stupid comments. So please don't.

Anyway, please don't forget to comment, vote, fan, etc and I'll see you in the next chapter and as always...

Love y'all-Jordan 😘

EDITED JULY 12, 2016

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