Ain't no friend of mine!

Start from the beginning

"Are you ok?" Justin asked. I nodded my head slightly. "Are you sure?" Justin asked. I shook my head 'no'. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"You ok back there?" Kellin asked me. I looked up and gave a half smile and nodded my head.

"She is just a bit tired. Stressful days, you know?" Justin said. Kellin nodded and went back to driving. I looked at Justin and gave him a thankful look.

"We will be there soon." Kellin said to everyone. We all nodded. Soon we pulled up to a small diner and went inside. I sat on the corner with Justin on my right side. We all sat down and got menus. I just stared at my menu, Justin elbowed me slightly. I looked at him.

"What do you want to drink sweet heart?" Asked a voice I would know anywhere. I looked up and was met with and pair of icy blue eyes. My eyes widened and so did the man's. This man was my best friend and was pretty much the same thing as my brother. "B-baby girl?" He stuttered out. I nodded my head as tears gathered in my eyes. He knelt onto one knee as I jumped into his arms. He caught me and hugged me as if he would lose me. I clung to his shirt as he held me close to his chest. Some of the tears fell from my eyes as he let go of me. I'm so happy that Justin used water proof make up today. I wiped the tears away and he stood up. He gave me the biggest smile ever as I gave him a real smile. I looked over to everyone who was just starring at me.

"This is Taylor." I typed into my phone. Everyone nodded as I continued to type.

"Did you just get adopted again or is this the stupid, fucking prick from before?" Taylor asked. He spoke with venom dripping from his voice. I rapidly shook my head. I nodded and waited for me to talk or type.

"This is Taylor, he is my best friend and basically my brother. He was the only one who knew anything about me and he is the closest thing to family I have. He left two years ago but we still stayed in contact up until I was put in the detention center." My phone said. I looked at the ground as they let what I typed sink in. I looked up to see Katelyn giving me a glare, Kellin looked sad, Justin looked worried, Gabe and Nick both looked sad also.

"So, why were you put into adoption?" Katelyn asked rudely. My eyes snapped to her.

"I was placed into adoption when I was 8 because my family was abusive. I am currently 18 and live with my adoptive parents." Taylor said calmly. Taylor was writing down something g as he spoke, he tore off a page from his note pad and handed it to me. "I have to go, but call me anytime. I will come back with your orders in a moment." He said then walked back to the kitchen. I sat down and Justin pulled me to his side. I layed my head on his shoulder and Taylor came back. He handed us our drinks and smiled at me.

"Alright what can I get everyone to ear? " He asked us. Everyone finished ordering and he looked at me. I held up my fist at stuck my pinky out to him. "Alright Riot, I will get you your usual." He said then left. I usually got a plain peice of toast with an egg on top and a fruit salad. Soon after he came back and handed us our food. Katelyn gave me a look of disgust.

"Hun, are you sure you should eat all of that? Maybe you should lose are few pounds." She said to me with a smirk on her face. I looked at her wide eyed and looked at Taylor who a smoke coming out of his ears.

"Excuse me miss, but don't you fucking talk to her like that! She is extremely underweight and has to eat as many calories as possible to gain some of it back! Now before you sat anything else, my adoptive dad is the highest paid lawyer in all of America and my mom is the Dean of the highest security jail in America, now if you ever tell her that she had to lose weight, just remember that she suffers from anerexia and I am not afraid to tell both of my parents and have you tried for having a girl almost kill herself. Don't ever tell a girl that she should lose weight you fucking cut." Taylor said as I just looked at him. Taylor looked at me and noticed the tears in my eyes.

"She is right." I tapped out jn morris code. He looked at me with sympathy and shook his head.

"No she is not, you perfect and she is just a semen eating cow." He tapped back, I gave him a small smile and nodded. I looked over to Kellin who had fire of anger in his eyes. Katelyn looked shocked to say the least. Justin had a small smirk on his face and the others looked almost happy that kk finally stood up to her.

"Toilet." I signed to Taylor, he nodded and I got up and left. I walked to the bathroom and sat in one of the stalls. I stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes then got up and walked back to the table. Taylor wasn't there and everyone was eating, I sat back down and started to eat. I took a few bites and pushed my plate away.

"Ready to go?" Kellin asked as Taylor came back with the bill I noticed a red mark on his cheek. I gave him a questioning look.

"What happened?" I tapped out to him. He just shook his head to me and gave me a smile. I noticed he wouldn't make eye contact with Kellin. I stormed up to Taylor and grabbed his face. My eyes widened as I got a good look at the mark. I shook my head and he pulled me into a hug.

"Did Kellin do this to you?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded slightly.

"Yeah baby, but it's fine. He was just upset with me." He said, I have not spoken in nearly 5 months. My voice was horse as I spoke. I pulled him closer to me and closed my eyes.

"I love you, so much." I said in his ear. He gripped me tighter and I buried my head in his neck.

"I know baby, I love you too." He said. I let a few of tears slip out as he rubbed my back. I pulled away slightly and wiped my eyes. I looked back at the guys and Justin saw the tears in my eyes as I looked at Taylor's face. I stood up normal and Taylor kissed my forehead, he kissed my cheek and stood up completely.

"Bye." I whispered to him.

"Bye baby girl." He said as we got up and left. Justin pulled me close and I looked at him.

"What happened when I was gone?" I typed out on my phone. Justin sighed and got into the car with me and everyone else.

"When you left Katelyn started to fake cry and Kellin believed it. Kellin stormed up to Taylor and slapped him in the face. Taylor walked off and came back when you came back." I nodded my head slowly. Kellin has lost nearly all of my trust, he hit my only family.

"Alright everyone we are back to bus." Kellin said as he parked the car and we all got out.

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