All of a sudden, the lights turned on and carnival music began to play. As soon as the tune of "Ring Around The Rosie" from the merry-go-round began to play, the groans of awakened zombies filled the air, Greg's worried face appearing in the doorway.

"Hurry! To the ferris wheel, now!" He yelled, leading the way to the tallest ride in the park. The multi-colored lights made the pale green skin of the zombies seem like they were made of candy, their eyes reflecting the light like a child's would - innocent and joyful. The juxtaposition was maddening, worsening even more as a swarm of kid zombies ran after us, their grubby little fingers sticky with cotton candy and rotting human flesh. "Duck!"

I did so, a zombie flying passed me and flattening against the ground. My stomach lurched,  nearly tripping me, but I balanced myself. The kids were closing in, tiny shrieks of agony calling after us. Greg jumped over the fence that lined the ferris wheel, turning around to help me over.  He grabbed me under my arms and pulled, a little kid zombie's detached hand wrapped around my ankle.

I shook it off before hurrying to the ferris wheel. Greg pushed a lever, one of the compartments lowering to the ground. He pulled said lever, the ferris wheel still once again. "Get on. They are climbing the fence."

Turning my head, I saw that, yes, the kid zombies were climbing the fence. I jumped into the cart, watching as Greg hopped in, too, before reaching with my baseball bat to push the lever again.

"What are we going to do when it comes back down?"

"Load the guns now," Greg ordered, pulling a box of bullets from his pack. "And shoot when we come back down."

I loaded my gun and cocked it before putting it in the space between Greg and I, resting my hands in my lap. We were still ascending in the air; I didn't need it yet. Wordlessly, we watched the first stars begin to appear, twinkling ever so slightly. "We're heading back down."

"You ready?"


By then, the zombie children were crowded about the entrance, waiting uncharacteristically patient. The first gun shot came from my gun, a bullet lodging itself right between the eyes of a toddler zombie. One by one, round by round, reload by reload, the zombies fell dead: men, women, children, and a few animals.

As soon a new zombie reached the gate, they were shot in the face. I knew I should have felt something, but numbness was the only thing. They were children, but they were already dead. I could only think of it as a favor to them, to end their misery.

I knew Greg was feeling the same thing I was, his facial expression like that of a grieving father. "The world looks so lonely from up here. Not another soul for miles and miles around. . . Just dark landscapes hiding in the shadow of a zombie-infested amusement p-"

Greg cut himself off as he shot another zombie near the fence. He sighed.

"Remember when our parents died, and we talked about the stars - our fate?" When he looked at me in question, I continued. "Now that we're so high up, do you see their faults?"

"Yeah, they don't twinkle as much as they used to. . ."  He took a deep breath before suddenly yelling, "I don't know what the future has in store, and I'm not even closed to being prepared!"

Startled, I jumped. "What was that for?"

"I'm complaining to the stars one last time before they disappear."

"Disappear? Greg, have you finally lost it?"

"The stars don't shine as bright anymore because they want to hide themselves.  With so many people complaining to them now, if they were gone, people will forget they exist and find somewhere else to complain."

"The stars never shine bright in the city, and this park is lit up like New York. Greg, you have lost it."

"Do it. You'll feel better."

I sighed.

"I've searched all over England, and I still can't find a damn orthodontist!" I yelled into the night, my chest loosening from its once tense state as I complained to the stars like Greg suggested.

"I told you. You feel better, don't you?"

"Shut up." I'm not sure how Greg did it, but never once had he failed to make me feel like I was okay. Even if only for a minute.


I actually really like this chapter, so yay for me!! *claps like London Tipton*

Bite {Niall Centric}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang