Chapter 1: Sector One

Start from the beginning

"Hold up, I was only being polite"

"Well don't" He said,

"Are we fighting over this? Is that what we're doing?" I asked, that made him smile,

"No we're not fighting babe" he whispered kissing my cheek.

We then set about making the final adjustments before Noah and the rest of the party guests arrived. Sector One was a giant softball play area, but designed more for the older teenage and adult audience. We hired out the whole venue and had set up tables and put up posters and banners and balloons along with a pile of cards and presents.

An hour later everything was set up, we were going to cook cheese toasties and pancakes and pizzas later on for the food and there was a squishy and ice cream bar for afters. Safe to say that Noah was a child at heart and I hope that never changed.

We had arranged for everyone to arrive before Noah and to then surprise him when he came in with Angelo, luckily with 10 minutes to spare a whole hoard of Noah's friends came into Sector One, we all crouched down and shut the lights off when we got the text from Angelo to say they had just pulled up,

"What is this place? Why is it so dark? Are you sure it's even open?" Noah's voice could be heard saying,

"3, 2, 1" I whispered as the lights turned on and we all jumped up,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH" Everyone shouted, followed by "SURPRISE" Noah's eyes were wide in delight and shock, a giant smile pulled onto his face,

"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU ALL" He screamed and was then swamped by his friends, I stepped back with Tayte and looked on at our little brother grinning away like there was no tomorrow, hugging friends and taking presents. He looked over at us after a few minutes and mouthed 'I love you', his eyes had a twinkle and he was glowing with happiness,

"You did good baby" Tayte told me,

"No, we did good"

The remainder of the day was spent running around like little kids, playing in the softball area, having races, playing hide and seek and nine nine in. Just having a genuine great time and for once, there was absolutely nothing that could break it.

"Oh My God, Angelo have you made everyone cheese toasties? I love you so much, guys you're never going to look back after tasting these masterpieces" Noah announced,

The food went down a treat, I have never seen a group of people eat so quickly and as much as they did. Tayte and I were chilling on a sofa sharing a squishy when Noah ran over and kissed us both and then sprinted off grinning, we rolled our eyes and then snuggled up, we were both feeling tired. Arii came over with two yum yums for us,

"Thanks sis"

"No worries, I thought I'd grab some for you before they all went. I'll leave you be, you look like you both need some sleep"

"We'll be back on our feet in a bit" I said,

"Take your time, you organised this all and Noah is having a blast" she said happily before wandering back off.

"Do you think she's changed?" I asked,

"I think she's matured greatly, I mean after what she's been through she had to grow up. But I think this past year, learning to drive, graduating from high school, she's really become her own person" Tayte said,

"I'm just worried that I'll lose her"

"You'll never lose her Keane and I can tell you that with great confidence"

"Sometimes the ones you think you'll never lose are the ones who slip away" I said sadly,

"Cheer up bucko, that will never happen, but even if it does, you will never lose me, because you are the sun in my world and without you there would be no light" I smiled,

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